Saturday December 24th


Amatuer Malthusian


Well-Known Member
I swear the only thing that will set me off today is if they load my pc with businesses. I filled out that entire closed business list for a reason, and they still loaded me down with it for friday.

Over 70

Well-Known Member
They had a full time guy who was done really early come take some gravy off me so I could have even more hours left for today. I'm pretty sure my helper and I could of done half of them in the time it took to give them to him. Thank you sir may I have another?

Not complaining, happy to have the work but sometimes the chaos is funny to watch. Two different people came to get my 5 misloads I found by 10AM. Of course I already gave them to the first guy. I'm starting to understand some of the things you old timers talk about on here :-)


Well-Known Member
Decided to work today yesterday, it's my last Xmas done at the end of January. Today I'm helping out the driver in my old residential area since my commercial route isn't going out today. Get to visit with some of my older customers to say goodbye and give my coworker a chance to get done a bit earlier so he can make his family's Xmas eve festivities. Even this grumpy old brown elf has a heart at Xmas, in spite of 39yrs of abuse.