Need some help was hired about 2 months ago as a sorter last week was asked if I was interested in becoming part time sup I want to accept it because I have two children and I need the health ins could someone give me some advise on what to do. Thanks
If you have a Wife and she has the ability to get her own Insurance, then she will NOT be covered.
My Sups tell me their Insurance sucks for what they have to pay. I guess there is the ACA (Obama Care)
Part Time Insurance is the Best you can get anywhere UPS or Teamcare run. With the New ACA laws you should check into if you will qualify for it faster? If NOT
then I suggest ACA for a year, since it might be 18 months for the children to get added.
I would only be a SUP if I was Young and did it while UPS paid for my College!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!