Seasonal workers being hired permanent before October 15th??

Need some help was hired about 2 months ago as a sorter last week was asked if I was interested in becoming part time sup I want to accept it because I have two children and I need the health ins could someone give me some advise on what to do. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Need some help was hired about 2 months ago as a sorter last week was asked if I was interested in becoming part time sup I want to accept it because I have two children and I need the health ins could someone give me some advise on what to do. Thanks

If you have a Wife and she has the ability to get her own Insurance, then she will NOT be covered.
My Sups tell me their Insurance sucks for what they have to pay. I guess there is the ACA (Obama Care)

Part Time Insurance is the Best you can get anywhere UPS or Teamcare run. With the New ACA laws you should check into if you will qualify for it faster? If NOT
then I suggest ACA for a year, since it might be 18 months for the children to get added.

I would only be a SUP if I was Young and did it while UPS paid for my College!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Initially it will mean a bigger paycheck (minus what the insurance cost) but also more hours and a greater commitment. Hang in there as an hourly and you will have free insurance for your family and eventually a larger paycheck for the hours worked. Also a chance to go full time driver if that is what you want. Part time sup is a dead end for most people. Just look around you.


Well-Known Member
One of the seasonal hires on our sort told me they were hired as a "permanent" hire since the new contract says they can be hired up to October 15th as permanent hires. All I could say to them was to call the local union - we don't have a steward on our sort.

Does this sound correct? Or just smoke blown up their ass by HR and the FT/PT sup's?

He hasn't made his 30 days he's not a permanent employee until he does. If he still around after the Jan 1,old contract and Jan 15 if new contract is in place then he will be a permanent employee until those dates he on probation.


Here in New England the old contract has the free period from Oct 1 to Dec 31. Some temporary workers were added prior to Oct 15. Should the new contract go into effect prior to Dec 31, will the company be able to work those employees until Jan 15th, or will they have to be let go and only those temps that started after Oct 15th be allowed to stay until Jan15th?