Hey here's a funny fact: I get 75% off FedEx express shipping. I get cheaper shipping after I quit UPS. Heh. I agree, the grass is not always greener on the other side and that's why I had extreme reservations. UPS offered terrific pay, benefits, and security, but I was extremely unhappy and I didn't really like 50% of my co-workers. AC offered more job satisfaction but crappy schedules. I am taking a huge risk (completely unheard of in UPS, of course) but while the status quo is good and leads to stable return on investment, taking measured and thought out risks with a quick 'escape route' is a much better path for me. The lack of risk taking in UPS' business model really annoyed me.
The other night I was in the bag room and doing exactly what I did at UPS. Sort and put in the right container. Difference was that if I missed a piece of luggage, it would come back (as it's a carosel), if there's downtime, you go and get a coffee no problem, and there's cable TV, so I was able to watch some baseball while doing my job. In 8 hours, I probably did 3 hours of actual work. The rest I just watched TV or did some reading. I'm way happier here, but that could change if I get my shift bid and I get pure crap. Getting days off is 100% my responsibility, I can't just 'book the day off'. We'll see. And also remember that airlines are very well known for screwing around with their employees. I mean, look at DL.
And yes, AC is unionized, by the IAM. The teamsters were a fantastic union and did a lot to stand up for my rights, I hear that the IAM has been quite the opposite, but the lodge elected a 25 year old with 4 years seniority as president, so they should be turning it around.
Happy trails.
The other night I was in the bag room and doing exactly what I did at UPS. Sort and put in the right container. Difference was that if I missed a piece of luggage, it would come back (as it's a carosel), if there's downtime, you go and get a coffee no problem, and there's cable TV, so I was able to watch some baseball while doing my job. In 8 hours, I probably did 3 hours of actual work. The rest I just watched TV or did some reading. I'm way happier here, but that could change if I get my shift bid and I get pure crap. Getting days off is 100% my responsibility, I can't just 'book the day off'. We'll see. And also remember that airlines are very well known for screwing around with their employees. I mean, look at DL.
And yes, AC is unionized, by the IAM. The teamsters were a fantastic union and did a lot to stand up for my rights, I hear that the IAM has been quite the opposite, but the lodge elected a 25 year old with 4 years seniority as president, so they should be turning it around.
Happy trails.