Well-Known Member
Well whenever there is change there are strong feelings. Obviously this is the way it has always been for you folks. Just curious,
what brought about the challenge to your system.
Well, for decades in my center, our Feeder jobs had been filled by Part Timers going full time. Every three to five years a Package driver would come over. For the last ten years though, it's been only Package drivers filling those spots. Now that they are at the bottom, they want things to change. Keep in mind that none of these guys had a problem with the system we have until it worked against them. Now look... I get it. But, if they truely think it's not fair, why only speak up now? Why not say something 25 years ago? As far as having a majority not wanting red circled status, the only ones that would include are the ones pushing it and the rest of Package. The top two thirds of Feeder would want to be red circled. The opposition would have the majority but its would be divided on a particular line. I just can't see taking anyone's seniority away from them and mandating a new place in a new seniority order. Especially to the ones who have held their spot for decades.