Shake Up in the BOG

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nowhere special
Obviously, someone knows.


Well-Known Member
I don't understand how the one that returned has no idea why he was taken out of service. Sounds to me like maybe they don't wanna tell the guy that will post it on brown cafe.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Whats a bog?
Bubble of goodness. Where Dave works. Its magical there. It operates like a caring company, All hourlies are exemplary and alll management is good. (except apparently the ones who got walked out the door.) All numbers line up, never a problem.
And the only safety issue is some deranged man that gets hit by cars.


Well-Known Member
Whats a bog?

It is also said to have unicorns, butterflies, and rainbows. Rose petals are scattered by cherubs that precede all visitors to this magic place. It is said that one, and only one, human resides there. It is thought he spent his weeks vacation feeding the unicorns, chasing butterflies and trying to find the end of that rainbow. Angels also chorus on occasion.
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