Sidney Powell Rolls Over

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
She's a 68 yr old multimillionaire. I doubt losing her law license at this point would be a tragedy.
She's being sued by Dominion... the same company who walked away with hundreds of millions from the Fox News suit.

How lucky do you think she'll be with keeping her millions?


Inordinately Right
The prosecution made this deal because Powell is more valuable as a cooperating witness than she is as a felony convict unwilling to testify against her superiors.
Oh yes not getting the convictions they wanted is all part of the plan!

Makes perfect sense!

Oh boy they've got him now!



All Trash No Trailer
There were many weird, strange things happening in the 2020 election. Trump had plenty of reasons to believe he was being screwed.
I guess it was easier for him to believe and make up stories that cheating occurred than to believe Biden kicked his ass.


Well-Known Member
I guess it was easier for him to believe and make up stories that cheating occurred than to believe Biden kicked his ass.
Yah, funny how rules were allowed to be changed at the last minute that violated state constitutions. Funny how vote count observers weren't allowed close enough to observe in spite of state laws. Funny how most states finished their counts on election day but in the swing states with close counts the counts kept being stretched out for most of a week. Funny how that worked. Nothing to see here, move along.


Inordinately Right
I guess it was easier for him to believe and make up stories that cheating occurred than to believe Biden kicked his ass.
Biden won by 44,000 votes.

Lots of questionable results should have been thoroughly investigated. Never happened so now half the country doesn't accept the results.



Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Since I guess I'm playing to the cheap seats... The prosecution made this deal because Powell is more valuable as a cooperating witness than she is as a felony convict unwilling to testify against her superiors.
This will come back like everything else and bite them in the ass.