Snow flake moments


Strength through joy
Texas state rep proposes fines for masturbation


A Texas state representative has introduced legislation that would fine men for masturbating and require them to undergo counseling before obtaining a prescription for Viagra, in an effort to highlight anti-abortion laws that place restrictions on women.

The legislation introduced by state Rep. Jessica Farrar (D) would impose a $100 civil penalty for "masturbatory emissions" that take place outside of a woman's vagina or a hospital. Each incident would be "considered an act against an unborn child, and failing to preserve the sanctity of life," the bill reads.

Farrar’s measure would allow doctors to refuse to conduct vasectomies, write prescriptions for Viagra or perform a colonoscopy if those actions violate the doctor's personal, moral or religious beliefs. Patients would be required to wait 24 hours before a procedure is performed, and doctors would be made to read a state-printed booklet, "A Man's Right To Know," to the patient. Doctors would also be required to perform a "medically-unnecessary digital rectal exam" and an MRI before performing vasectomies or colonoscopies or before prescribing Viagra.


Strength through joy
SnowFlakes beware , this article is not for you .

CEO Makes Employees Take Snowflake Test | NewBostonPost

Kyle S. Reyes is President and CEO of The Silent Partner Marketing

The Snowflake Test.
Anyone who may be a viable candidate for our agency has to take the test before they get an at-bat at an interview.

It’s 30 short-answer and essay-style questions that help us to really get to know a candidate. We want to get in their heads. See how they apply logic and reason to different scenarios. See what makes them tick. See if they’d be a good fit for our culture.

Among those questions?

  • Outside of standard benefits, what benefits should a company offer employees?
  • What are your feelings about employees or clients carrying guns?
  • What are your feelings about safe spaces in challenging work environments?
  • Should “trigger warnings” be issued before we release content for clients or the company that might be considered “controversial”?
  • How do you feel about police?
  • When was the last time you cried and why?
  • What are your thoughts on the current college environment as it pertains to a future workforce?
  • What does “faith” mean to you?
  • You see someone stepping on an American Flag. What happens next?
Listen, people. This is just a little real talk. The truth of it – that nobody talks about – is that you need to fit the culture of a company or it’s just not going to work out.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
SnowFlakes beware , this article is not for you .

CEO Makes Employees Take Snowflake Test | NewBostonPost

Kyle S. Reyes is President and CEO of The Silent Partner Marketing

The Snowflake Test.
Anyone who may be a viable candidate for our agency has to take the test before they get an at-bat at an interview.

It’s 30 short-answer and essay-style questions that help us to really get to know a candidate. We want to get in their heads. See how they apply logic and reason to different scenarios. See what makes them tick. See if they’d be a good fit for our culture.

Among those questions?

  • Outside of standard benefits, what benefits should a company offer employees?
  • What are your feelings about employees or clients carrying guns?
  • What are your feelings about safe spaces in challenging work environments?
  • Should “trigger warnings” be issued before we release content for clients or the company that might be considered “controversial”?
  • How do you feel about police?
  • When was the last time you cried and why?
  • What are your thoughts on the current college environment as it pertains to a future workforce?
  • What does “faith” mean to you?
  • You see someone stepping on an American Flag. What happens next?
Listen, people. This is just a little real talk. The truth of it – that nobody talks about – is that you need to fit the culture of a company or it’s just not going to work out.
This is a marketing firm that is advertising how much they dislike more than half the country's population? Sign me up to hire them.


Strength through joy
There was a story some time ago about a job seeker who landed the job because he claimed to be the second best in his field , unlike everyone else who claimed to be the best .


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
I figured that out first hand a long time ago. My own mother is very guilty. She'd always romanticize (and still does) about this idea that you could basically be a full fledged, big boy grownup with no risk, danger, or failure; essentially, married and with a plush office job and no participation in deemed "dangerous" activities. I find it very contradictory, as it's almost like I need to "man-up" in certain areas yet be a huge puss in every other way.


Well-Known Member
I will give a brief example of how I tried to raise my kids to be responsible adults.

After we get separated and then divorced I continued to pick up and bring the kids to school. Several times I would have to turn around as my son forgot something. The last time he said this I told him that I was not going to turn around and that he would have to deal with the consequences at school. He was pissed but it never happened again.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I figured that out first hand a long time ago. My own mother is very guilty. She'd always romanticize (and still does) about this idea that you could basically be a full fledged, big boy grownup with no risk, danger, or failure; essentially, married and with a plush office job and no participation in deemed "dangerous" activities. I find it very contradictory, as it's almost like I need to "man-up" in certain areas yet be a huge puss in every other way.
I tried to raise my kids to be independent, but they know I'm here if needed. I also told them "no" sometimes so they could learn how to accept disappointment and adapt. Life isn't fair and it sure isn't easy. They both roll their eyes at the stupidity of the SnowFlakes.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
I tried to raise my kids to be independent, but they know I'm here if needed. I also told them "no" sometimes so they could learn how to accept disappointment and adapt. Life isn't fair and it sure isn't easy. They both roll their eyes at the stupidity of the SnowFlakes.
I definitely don't think I would've ended up nearly as bad as the safe-space babies, but I absolutely hate intervention from other people, and to that I think I owe a lot for the fact I turned out alright and am able to take care of things myself.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I definitely don't think I would've ended up nearly as bad as the safe-space babies, but I absolutely hate intervention from other people, and to that I think I owe a lot for the fact I turned out alright and am able to take care of things myself.
I think that's part of the problem with these safe-space babies. No one allowed them to venture out and make mistakes. Their helicopter parents protected them so much they don't know how to solve problems by themselves. That's a part of being an adult. Yes, it's nice to have parents to ask advice from, but these children are AFRAID to think for themselves.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Texas state rep proposes fines for masturbation


A Texas state representative has introduced legislation that would fine men for masturbating and require them to undergo counseling before obtaining a prescription for Viagra, in an effort to highlight anti-abortion laws that place restrictions on women.

The legislation introduced by state Rep. Jessica Farrar (D) would impose a $100 civil penalty for "masturbatory emissions" that take place outside of a woman's vagina or a hospital. Each incident would be "considered an act against an unborn child, and failing to preserve the sanctity of life," the bill reads.

Farrar’s measure would allow doctors to refuse to conduct vasectomies, write prescriptions for Viagra or perform a colonoscopy if those actions violate the doctor's personal, moral or religious beliefs. Patients would be required to wait 24 hours before a procedure is performed, and doctors would be made to read a state-printed booklet, "A Man's Right To Know," to the patient. Doctors would also be required to perform a "medically-unnecessary digital rectal exam" and an MRI before performing vasectomies or colonoscopies or before prescribing Viagra.
She's a maroon. A man masturbating or getting an erection actually is entirely on him and has no effect on anyone else. But men have no reproductive rights whatsoever, despite the fact that it's his child too. Here's a thought: allow the women to have their abortions for children they don't want, but give men the option to legally opt out of any and all responsibility for a child he doesn't want too. That means no child support.


Strength through joy
Officers’ spouses terrorized by threats of murder, rape during Dakota Access pipeline protest

There reached a point when the Dakota Access protest became less about debating the merits of pipeline routes and more about mixing it up with cops.

That’s when the danger spiked for officers and their families. While protesters were fueling worldwide outrage and fundraising over allegations of police brutality, an aggressive cohort of agitators was terrorizing the families of law-enforcement officers with threats of death, rape and arson.

“There were threats made to us, mostly that they were going to come burn down our houses or rape us while our husbands were gone,” said Allison Engelstad, who’s married to Jon Engelstad, a sheriff’s deputy in Morton County, North Dakota.

She had good reason to fear that protesters knew where they lived. The North Dakota State and Local Intelligence Center compiled a 41-page document of social media posts with threats along with photos, names, addresses and contact information for officers involved with the protest.

“Every one of these cops has familys [sic] … Make there [sic] family pay,” read one Facebook post.

A live video feed taken from a January protest on the Backwater Bridge includes the voice of an activist shouting, “We’re going to gang-rape,” “Watch your family,” and “We’re going to kill your daughters, your mothers, your fathers, your grandparents, even you!”