Everything? Have you ever been "Poor"? I have. Try it sometime. Volunteer some time and see what it's like. It's easy to generalize, but go see the "poor". There are definitely some that ar able-bodied, but go see what you speak so intelligently about.
BTW, I am a Veteran.
Yes those are the true poor. That isnt who swordfish is talking about, I dont believe.
People in this country, living on government assistance who have cell phones, and big screen TVS, are considered living in poverty. People who pay 20 dollars a month for their electric and gas no matter how much they use, are considered living in poverty. People who pay 35 dollars a month who live in subsidized housing, and trash the place, are considered living in poverty.
People who eat very well on food stamps, which is not part of their check given to them monthly, are considered living in poverty.
True poverty to me is the person who doesnt know about all these freebies we give people in this country, because it started out being a well meaning program, and has gone awry. There is not a person I know who does not want to help someone truly down and out, for whatever reason.
True poverty to me is the elderly man who freezes to death in his apt because he didnt know who, or did not want to ask for help. True poverty is a person who lost his/her retirement and lives out in some rural area, in a one room cabin with no running water, no family, phone, or electric, and no one knows he exists.
The true person living in poverty isnt there because he wants to be. It has probably been a long time since hes seen a doctor, while those who are aware of the helps the govt offers can see them whenever they want, no limits and nothing out of pocket. He isnt worried about buying medicine, he is worried about making it through the day. If he only knew about programs to get free medicine, that have been there for years, he might be able to get well.
When I was a kid, my brother had a friend, and he and his mother lived in a one room shack, cooked on a little fire in the middle of the room, surrounded by a makeshift couch, and some boxes of clothes. No car, nothing, No water, no beds, no tv. They smelled all the time. And no one helped them, just looked down on them, made fun of them. Looking back I have no idea what ever happened to them, but that to me was true poverty. Today these kind of down and out people will get help.