I really didn't put that statement in regard to criticize a driver's life specifically because I'm not stupid, I know it's a hard job and I know that people make bad decisions all the time. More to poke
@Thebrownblob for his statement about how hubrats supposedly live. At the same time even if a part-time hubrat leads the life they choose to lead there's nothing to criticize there either. Most importantly the drivers who say part-timers should start loading better first before asking for a raise (and that's not everyone here but a vocal minority, and you guys know who you are) are really just complete idiots to say the least because as they say, if you pay peanuts you get monkeys.
No one with half a brain thinks EVERY driver lives like that or that EVERY hubrat lives like that. But stereotypes exist for a reason and there are plenty of drivers and hubrats that do. The exceptions to the stereotypes don't negate that they're there for a reason.
The part-timers just don't have much incentive to work so hard for as little as they're paid. That said, I do know a lot of drivers who are standing up for their part-time brothers and sisters and wanting to fight for better wages for them instead of spitting on them as lesser creatures. It's completely nonsensical and just the kind of divide and conquer tactics that will potentially defeat a strike. If you have the part-time workforce scabbing because they just don't make enough even with another job to support themselves what incentive do you think they'll have to honor the strike lines?
Everyone needs to be on the same page to get an effective strike.