So you are retired, you gonna take the covid shot?


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
I see these signs on people's houses
I'm a hero, I stayed home



I'm a star
Fyi, if you deliver to a hospital, you are considered a vendor, and can get the vaccine with the same priority as hospital workers, at least in my state, might be the same in other states. So, go ahead and get the vaccine, I'll wait and see how many lose their ability to produce platelets, or develop some other unknown reactions that will "definitely not be a result of the vaccine". Thank you for volunteering for mass medical experimentation. Your country salutes you.


All Trash No Trailer
I will get it as soon as I can,but only being 55 I want to stay in the back of the line until Seniors and Essential Employees are vaccinated. I'm ready to start travelling again and I feel certain to cross International Borders one will have to provide a Covid Passport.


Retired 23 years
People sitting at home on their asses got an extra $600 per week. The rest of us were so "essential" that all we got were some fruity ass thank you signs.
I wasn't even sitting on my ass. I was probably laying down on the couch. Thank you.