socialized healthcare


Staff member
i recall chomsky saying swizterland is the only highly regulated privatized system:

Public Citizen‏Verified account @Public_Citizen Oct 9

Health care spending per capita:
- $4,246
- $4,543
- $4,717
- $4,774
- $4,826
- $4,902
- $5,386
- $5,440
- $5,511
- $5,728
- $8,009

- $10,244

It's our *current* system that's completely unaffordable.

Socialized healthcare would be a nightmare Ricky.

Let's consider a *current* system that's unaffordable.
The post office. Every year it loses billions of dollars.
Yet UPS and Fedex are earning billions every year.


Let me guess. They're doing socialism wrong, but next time they'll do it right?


Well-Known Member
Socialized healthcare would be a nightmare Ricky.

Let's consider a *current* system that's unaffordable.
The post office. Every year it loses billions of dollars.
Yet UPS and Fedex are earning billions every year.


Let me guess. They're doing socialism wrong, but next time they'll do it right?
Look up Ralph Nader Radio Hour for more on this Congress is defunding the post office


Well-Known Member

Augie Lindmark

Oct 22
A minimum wage job meant he couldn’t afford health insurance. Then he stopped taking insulin—it cost $500/month. Last night I admitted him to the ICU, another 29-year-old with diabetic ketoacidosis.

Insulin has become a commodity for the rich. And those who can’t pay, die.


Well-Known Member
And yet folks here like to point to the U.K. as an example of great socialized healthcare. Have read too many times of those there who can afford it flying to the U.S. to have procedures done rather than wait many more months to have it done there.
america has the most expensive healthcare of any developed country you nut.


Well-Known Member
america has the most expensive healthcare of any developed country you nut.
Who said we don't? But if you're in desperate need of an operation, and told you'll have to wait 6 months in your country's socialized healthcare system(and for often low quality), or if you can afford it fly to the U.S. for high quality immediate relief, what would you do? Meanwhile the poor under socialized care have to wait in line and suffer while they wait.


Someone killing themselves is a mental health issue(s), possibly a substance abuse issue as well as moral issues regarding euthanasia, maybe. Those all seem common in parts of the UK and US.


Well-Known Member
Who said we don't? But if you're in desperate need of an operation, and told you'll have to wait 6 months in your country's socialized healthcare system(and for often low quality), or if you can afford it fly to the U.S. for high quality immediate relief, what would you do? Meanwhile the poor under socialized care have to wait in line and suffer while they wait.
from experience, my country does not have low quality healthcare. to be fair, the hospitals dont have the greatest ratings on google and the govt should increase taxes on the rich to fund healthcare more, but there are many good doctors i saw one just the other day. more often than not i have a good doctor, and if i dont like the doctor im seeing i can choose to find another. its not perfect but ill take my system as is over the current US one. my dad has heart problems and diabetes problems. i dont think hes had to wait while hes needed help. when his appendix burst, they keep him in the hospital probably longer than they should have before the surgery. canada's health care costs half as much as US healthcare.


Staff member
what about you?

im guessing a majority of americans want the canadian type system.

I have received healthcare only in the USA. And I am satisfied with it. I also think you don't have a firm understanding of what Americans want.

You suffer from confirmation bias on this, and most other political topics. Does Canada's healthcare have a cure for that?