Someone Clarify Thanksgiving Holiday Changes??


My Senior Picture
The Friday after Thanksgiving is listed as a UPS Holiday in the contract.
It varies from supplement to supplement.
Where I am, the day after Thanksgiving is a holiday and we are paid double time if we work.
They can schedule us any day of the week, at any time of the year for the applicable pay rate, if they have the foresight to do so the Friday before.
What it comes down to is attendance, hours available and fortitude.
What are you going to do?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Local 804 (along with the 177) also has supplement language that insure union employees cannot be forced to work on the day after Thanksgiving.

You folks worried about working that day might want to ask your union leadership why such language is not in your supplement.

40 and out

Well-Known Member
Unless it is specifically in a rider that UPS can't make us work a holiday, then they can make us work any holiday they want to. There is only 1 exception and that is Labor Day.