Sonia Sotomayor


Active Member
I am against her nomination. I mainly base this on her handling of a reverse discrimination/ affirmative action lawsuit in New Haven, CT.

I am completely against affirmative action and cannot support a judge who would rule as they think the way things should be rather than what the law actually states.

And Diesel, the GOP wouldn't have self-destructed if they actually would listen to their members who are conservatives, rather than the middle of the road types running the show now (for example, McCain or Graham anyone?).

Republicans who, when they could, increased the size, power, and debts of government, can surely not be considered conservatives.

And they certainly cannot be considered "right wing".
I agree,Jim,and I can talk from personal experience. I am a "2 strikes" white male and was vicitimized by affirmative action back in the late 70's,early 80's. It took my 9 VERY long years to finally become a police officer only to be told numerous times..This test is for minorities only..When I was finally hired, I worked with many minority police officers and they were great cops. Affirmative action actually hurts minorities in my opinion.
In many agenecies,I would be 1-2 steps of being hired only to be told,the "list" expired hence minorities go ahead of me. It was infuriating and made me look at minority police and firemen and think he got the job because of his race etc. I am against affirmative action because all it does is exacerbate racism.
Judge Sotomayor's rise to her judgeship is a great story,the American Dream,if you will. But how many other qualified candidates were passed over to have "racial equality?"
We don't need someone like this to be on the Supreme Court that can empathise with people. We need someone to interpret the law not have a good feeeeeeeling about it.


Nine Lives
I never can tell if you are poking fun at me or what I write.

Probably both.

Actually neither ... Balkanization is referencing a previous post and the other words are the returned candidates when I mis-spelled it since Balkanization is not actually a word.

But I do remember Jim, Jimmy and James Casey. :happy-very:


Shrug, seems to me that Pat got at least some of his information (as he quotes) from that bastion of conservative thought (<--sarcasm, folks), the NY Times.

I don't find it hard to believe that people are pushed up ladders all the time based on who they are, not climbed up those ladders on what they have truly accomplished.

Especially in this ridiculously politically correct nation we find ourselves in.

Exactly JamesJiminyJim. Its like the case of George W. bush, the guy was born on third and thought he hit a triple. And when it was time to steal home, he got plenty of help from the suppposedly non arbitrary umpires.


Well-Known Member
In 2006' Gary Galles, Economics Professor at Pepperdine University wrote a piece entitled "The Antifederalist Were Right" which centered around the late 1780's debate on the then new US Constitution. In this piece by Galles, he makes some interesting observations about the new idea of a Supreme Court as expressed by Brutus who was a New York judge and delegate to the Constitutional Convention.

As the public "interview" of Justice Sotomayer (I think it's a done deal according to republican Lindsey Graham) continues, the 220 year concerns of Brutus IMO ring true today and yet is as forgotten as the sands of time themselves.

Also in Galles piece is a link to the actual 1787' piece written by Brutus (Judge Robert Yates) if you want to read it yourself and I'll also include it here.


golden ticket member
She talks sooooo veeeeeerrrryyyy slow probably to cover her A. But I find it slow & boring. I have watched it all so far.