Part timers get overtime any hours worked after 5 and a half hours in any given day plain n simple. This has never been an issue in the past until this xmas. This is another attempt to say friend$ck u to the part timers by ups managment. Whats the difference between a driver working an 8-10 shift and a part timer? Is the driver double shifting or is it one shift? Its in the contract part timers get ot anything over 5 and a half!
Who knows maybe they will split up the driver's shift. he can work the "Peak season driver relief shift" for 8 hours, take a lunch, then work his shift for 3 hours after that, making no overtime.
Now with the SPLIT SHIFT argument straightened out, in the contract it stated that if the facility adds a second shift they are required hang sign up sheets and to staff it. What is to stop all union loaders to say, nah, I dont want to work the Peak Season Volume Relief Shift, let me know when the preload shift starts I'll see you then? We are hired, and obligated to work the preload. Management cant force me to come in and work the local sort, force me to work as a runner, and cant force me to work the Peak Season Volume Relief Shift.