steel tariffs


Just a turd
What a maroon. It is 8 days later and is up almost 800 points since your irrelevant post.:funny:
Post reported !!!
TOS violation
6. CALL SOMEONE A "POOP HEAD". You may be correct about the composition of their head, but don't make disparaging remarks or derogatory comments about other members. Debate the issue; not the person. That means no name calling, okay?
Post reported !!!
TOS violation
6. CALL SOMEONE A "POOP HEAD". You may be correct about the composition of their head, but don't make disparaging remarks or derogatory comments about other members. Debate the issue; not the person. That means no name calling, okay?
He smacked you down. You gonna take that?


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Post was spot on when I made it. While yours is based more on the jobs report, and you are grasping at straws to find something positive about your orange BFF. Sad, very sad
My BFF?? Hey you just gave him kudos for the jobs report. Are you already trying to get him reelected? Good God.