steel tariffs


Staff member
Saw this posted on another board discussing this same topic:

The North Korean regime has been trying to get a sitting US president to appear at a negotiating table with them since the early '90s with Clinton. They have craved that form of legitimacy for decades. Now it will be given to them for free; no concessions at all. They will not give up their nuclear program after this meeting because they won't have to. The US will have no more leverage after this meeting than they had before it, and the NK nuclear program will have achieved for them one of their express aims: recognition on the world stage.
Their state propaganda will blare loudly that NK military strength has cowed the US, they will renege on any deals made, we will look like chumps, and wannabe nuclear regimes around the world will know for sure that a dictatorial slave state can buy its way to the bargaining table with enough progress on a weapons program. All this because Trump is so easily played and is enough of an idiot to bite on a 25-year-old piece of bait.

Remains to be seen, but I have a hard time believing that Kim Jong Un has any intention of giving up his nuclear weapons because from his perspective why should he? So far they have gotten him everything he wants.


Well-Known Member
Donald Trump to meet Kim Jong-un by May after invitation from North Korea
Bill Clinton came close to agreeing to a meeting with Kim’s father, Kim Jong-il, in 2000, but arrangements had not been made by the time he left office in January 2001.

Yawn, again your tribalism discredits you. Just for a moment, let you personal hatred for your current leader subside so you may think more clearly.
I'm afraid Kim Jong only sees this as a propaganda opportunity and Drumpf is taking the bait.


Well-Known Member
I'm afraid Kim Jong only sees this as a propaganda opportunity and Drumpf is taking the bait.
Actually North Korea is expected to be completely out of foreign capital reserves by October. They're near bankruptcy and Trump's pressure on them is why. And Trump has no intention to let up on the pressure until he sees verifiable results. The kind of leadership that other nations respect. Not the "if we make these concessions will you stop acting bad" kind.


Well-Known Member
Actually North Korea is expected to be completely out of foreign capital reserves by October. They're near bankruptcy and Trump's pressure on them is why. And Trump has no intention to let up on the pressure until he sees verifiable results. The kind of leadership that other nations respect. Not the "if we make these concessions will you stop acting bad" kind.
Nah, Drumpf is just a :censored2:.
Why Trump's Predecessors Did Not Meet With North Korea

It’s not that previous presidents didn’t have the option of meeting with the head of the hermit kingdom. “North Korea has been seeking a summit with an American president for more than twenty years,” Jeffrey Lewis, director of the East Asia Nonproliferation Program at Middlebury Institute of International studies tweeted Thursday night. “It has literally been a top foreign policy goal of Pyongyang since Kim Jong Il invited Bill Clinton.”


Well-Known Member
Nah, Drumpf is just a :censored2:.
Why Trump's Predecessors Did Not Meet With North Korea

It’s not that previous presidents didn’t have the option of meeting with the head of the hermit kingdom. “North Korea has been seeking a summit with an American president for more than twenty years,” Jeffrey Lewis, director of the East Asia Nonproliferation Program at Middlebury Institute of International studies tweeted Thursday night. “It has literally been a top foreign policy goal of Pyongyang since Kim Jong Il invited Bill Clinton.”
What happened in the past? North Korea saber rattled and the West made concessions to quiet them down. But now it's a new game with the greater nuclear capability. Trump is doing exactly what needed to be done but won't get any credit from your side. Highly unlikely Hillary would've done more than throw money at them in exchange for promises that they wouldn't continue their nuclear ambitions. Which they always did in the past and look where we are now.


Inordinately Right
Better than you!
I don't have all your teenage angst that you express via your posts in Current Events. :devil3:
Great... When you grow up ( I suspect that will happen eventually) you can do the same.

Oh, and I bitch plenty about other old and not so old people that don't know :censored2:. :wink-very:


IE boogeyman
if Trump meets the Norks he’s being played by their ELITE 4d chess diplomacy

if Obama had met them, he would have gotten a nobel peace prize

:censored2: remember when he got it for doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING?