Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
January 6 really seems to have gotten the gears turning as to what might be possible for those who make a more determined effort to forcefully intervene in the functioning of our elected federal government in the future.

Just yesterday:

Michael Flynn says coup like in Myanmar "should happen" in America

"Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn on Sunday night said that a Myanmar-like military coup "should happen" in the U.S.

Flynn made the remarks during a Q&A session at a conference called the "For God & Country Patriot Roundup" in Dallas, Texas. "I want to know why what happened in Myanmar can't happen here?" one attendee asked, prompting loud applause from the crowd.

"No reason. I mean, it should happen here," Flynn said."

in his defense he is the victim of a government organized effort to overthrow trump through bull:censored2: investigations that destroyed his(Flynn's) life.he's probably not feeling very patriotic these days.

the "coup" still comes down to an unarmed effort to disrupt government processes. called a protest when a dem does it. and dems have done many times in the past 5 years.
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The Driver

I drive.
in his defense he is the victim of a government organized effort to overthrow trump through bull* investigations that destroyed his life.he's probably not feeling very patriotic these days.

the "coup" still comes down to an unarmed effort to disrupt government processes. called a protest when a dem does it. and dems have done many times in the past 5 years.
The man lied to investigators about his conversations with Russian assets. Flynn knew what he was doing. He's as good as a traitor to me. Screw him.


nowhere special

By strategically quoting General Flynn as having given a two-sentence answer, rather than a single sentence with a comma as he paused in thought (i.e., No reason, I mean, it should happen here.) They have completely and, dare I say intentionally, taken his words out of context to mean the exact opposite of his statement.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 339534

By strategically quoting General Flynn as having given a two-sentence answer, rather than a single sentence with a comma as he paused in thought (i.e., No reason, I mean, it should happen here.) They have completely and, dare I say intentionally, taken his words out of context to mean the exact opposite of his statement.
Late in December, Flynn told Newsmax that Trump could “take military capabilities, and he could place them in those [swing states], and basically re-run an election in each of those states.”

“These people out there talking about martial law like it’s something that we’ve never done. Martial law has been instituted 64 — 64 — times,” Flynn said.

The Driver

I drive.
The fact that you think Trump is comparable to Hitler shows how bad your TDS is.
Early on Hitler displayed very similar characteristics to Donald Trump. Calling for his political enemies to be jailed. Called the media the enemy of the people. Called the elections fake. Demonized all sorts of social minorities. I could go on. But brother, the history is unfolded right in front of you. You just have to choose to read it and understand it and apply it to today

The Driver

I drive.
Imagine being a voluntary enforcer of the mainstream narrative about a situation, making it clear you have no idea what actually happened. Oh, wait, that's like every current events topic you weigh in on.
Apparently you’re misinformed. Flynn was caught lying and admitted to it twice about conversations he had with Russian assets. This isn’t debatable bub