Storming the Capitol


Legio patria nostra
Oh look at the driver so stunning and brave promising to call for a commission against blm.
Who did he vote for? Straight democrat like the silly bitch he is.
I think he's driving one of those short buses to DC to "investigate" the "coup" and "failed takeover" with some of his followers on here..
Sort of like Ghostbusters except to them it's reality........ :rofl: :rofl: 🐒 🐒


Strength through joy
Let me get this straight; US Citizens who paid for the construction and upkeep of the US Capitol Building, who visited the structure for a few hours are now going to be made to pay for alleged damages caused.

The Driver

I drive.
Oh look at the driver so stunning and brave promising to call for a commission against blm.
Who did he vote for? Straight democrat like the silly bitch he is.
Yeah, you’re such a big strong man willing to fall on the sword for your diaper-:censored2:ting lunatic ex-President
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Tyrone Slothrop

Well-Known Member
I had to finally give up and establish a Brandolini's law rule. I just don't have time to educate every idiot on the internet.
Not everyone is susceptible to conspiracy theories. I’ve followed your rabbit holes far enough to know what you consider ‘facts’.

I believe calling people idiots is against the TOS here. I’m pretty sure you have exemption, though.

The Driver

I drive.
Not everyone is susceptible to conspiracy theories. I’ve followed your rabbit holes far enough to know what you consider ‘facts’.

I believe calling people idiots is against the TOS here. I’m pretty sure you have exemption, though.
People that feel powerless in their own lives are very susceptible to conspiracy theorizing. I was one of them in the past.


Legio patria nostra
Not everyone is susceptible to conspiracy theories. I’ve followed your rabbit holes far enough to know what you consider ‘facts’.

I believe calling people idiots is against the TOS here. I’m pretty sure you have exemption, though.
So are you running off to report him?
You know this "following" stuff is really creepy. You have apparently "followed" people on BC and admit to doing in real life, possibly with a van.
Don't you see a problem with this behavior????

Tyrone Slothrop

Well-Known Member
So are you running off to report him?
You know this "following" stuff is really creepy. You have apparently "followed" people on BC and admit to doing in real life, possibly with a van.
Don't you see a problem with this behavior????
You may be insane, or just willing to believe whatever fits your POV.

None of what you said is true.


I'm a star
Not everyone is susceptible to conspiracy theories. I’ve followed your rabbit holes far enough to know what you consider ‘facts’.

I believe calling people idiots is against the TOS here. I’m pretty sure you have exemption, though.

Lol. You know very well that making general insulting statements not directed at any person in particular is not against the TOS. You do it all the time. Then again, you do have to make new accounts all the time. What TOS rules do you keep breaking?

I wonder, whatever special privelege you think I have, do you think it may come from me zeroing in on the most miserable trolls on here and saying things the mods really want to say but can't, so they look the other way a little? Who knows? I've had posts deleted, doesn't bother me much, sometimes it's pretty entertaining to know the kinds of things that get under people's skin enough to run and tell mommy or daddy about.
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Well-Known Member

State's Rights!

1. Reagan launched his 1980 general election campaign with a speech lauding “states’ rights” outside Philadelphia, Mississippi — the site of the notorious “Mississippi Burning” murder of three civil rights workers in 1964.
PHILADELPHIA, MS - 1964:  In this picture relaesed by the FBI and the State of Mississippi Attorney General's Office, the bodies of slain civil rights workers James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Mickey Schwerner lie in an earthen dam June, 1964 just southwest of Philadelphia, Mississippi. The photograph was presented into evidence during the trial of Edgar Ray Killen, who is charged with the 1964 deaths of three civil rights workers June 17, 2005, in Philadelphia, Mississippi.  (Photo by FBI/State of Mississippi Attorney General's Office via Getty Images)'s Office, the bodies of slain civil rights workers James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Mickey Schwerner lie in an earthen dam June, 1964 just southwest of Philadelphia, Mississippi. The photograph was presented into evidence during the trial of Edgar Ray Killen, who is charged with the 1964 deaths of three civil rights workers June 17, 2005, in Philadelphia, Mississippi.  (Photo by FBI/State of Mississippi Attorney General's Office via Getty Images)
The bodies of slain civil rights workers James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Mickey Schwerner lie in an earthen dam June, 1964 just southwest of Philadelphia, Mississippi.
James Chaney, Mickey Schwerner and Andrew Goodman were abducted and killedin Mississippi by the local Ku Klux Klan in June 1964 — a case that garnered enormous national attention because, as Schwerner’s widow said, he and Goodman were white.

On August 3, 1980, Reagan traveled to the Neshoba County Fair, which a prominent state Republican had recommended as the place to find “George Wallace-inclined voters.” There — within walking distance of the earthen dam where the murderers of the three civil rights workers had surreptitiously buried them just 16 years before — Reagan delivered a speech including these lines:

As columnist William Raspberry wrote upon Reagan’s death, his endorsement of “states’ rights” — the same phrase white Southerners had used for decades to justify Jim Crow segregation — was “bitter symbolism for black Americans” and “an important bouquet in [GOP] courtship” of Dixiecrats.
The “states’ rights” reference was just one of many racist dog-whistles Reagan employed throughout his political career. During his unsuccessful 1976 run for the Republican presidential nomination, Reagan decried “welfare queens” and a “strapping young buck” who bought T-bone steaks with food stamps. In his 1984 reelection campaign he even returned to Philadelphia and declared that “the South shall rise again.”
He didn't speak in Philadelphia, MS, but miles away at the Neshoba County Fair.


Well-Known Member
Not everyone is susceptible to conspiracy theories. I’ve followed your rabbit holes far enough to know what you consider ‘facts’.

I believe calling people idiots is against the TOS here. I’m pretty sure you have exemption, though.
when one has no means to rebut a message board debate one often resorts to whining on how the message was delivered.