Storming the Capitol


Inordinately Right
More resources.
Lol. The only resource they have is what the intelligence agencies tell them. Congress does not investigate, it provides oversight, that is the purpose of a commission.

All you're saying by demanding a commission is that you don't believe the FBI. So what's your conspiracy theory here pal?


Legio patria nostra
In an alternate universe hundreds or even thousands of black people attack a sitting Congress….
Well, we all know the Capitol Protests were not like that at all.

I’ll go ahead and say it:
A large crowd of blacks gathered to do what you say above has historically resulted in much more death, injury and destruction than the same gathering of whites.
You don’t know anymore than what your Handlers have programmed you to “know”, but that is the case worldwide and has been for centuries.
There’s an evolutionary component that MAY be valid…

Me? I look at the empirical evidence and first hand observation….

The Driver

I drive.
Lol. The only resource they have is what the intelligence agencies tell them. Congress does not investigate, it provides oversight, that is the purpose of a commission.

All you're saying by demanding a commission is that you don't believe the FBI. So what's your conspiracy theory here pal?
The FBI won’t be writing up a complete narrative on the events. It’s healthy for a country to have a total accounting of an event. Congressional subpoenas, the whole works.

The Driver

I drive.
Well, we all know the Capitol Protests were not like that at all.

I’ll go ahead and say it:
A large crowd of blacks gathered to do what you say above has historically resulted in much more death, injury and destruction than the same gathering of whites.
You don’t know anymore than what your Handlers have programmed you to “know”, but that is the case worldwide and has been for centuries.
There’s an evolutionary component that MAY be valid…

Me? I look at the empirical evidence and first hand observation….
Tell me again when a mob of thousands of angry black men tried to overthrow a sitting Congress to alter a constitutional process.


Inordinately Right
The FBI won’t be writing up a complete narrative on the events. It’s healthy for a country to have a total accounting of an event. Congressional subpoenas, the whole works.
My goodness you're misinformed.

Subpoenas are issued when people refuse to show up. Congress already held hearings on this, no one refused to show up.

All you're supporting is Democrats trying to use the January 6 riot for political gain. Whether you realize that fact or not.

The Driver

I drive.
My goodness you're misinformed.

Subpoenas are issued when people refuse to show up. Congress already held hearings on this, no one refused to show up.

All you're supporting is Democrats trying to use the January 6 riot for political gain. Whether you realize that fact or not.
Now we may never get a full accounting even if there’s evidence of conspiracy because there will be no bipartisan commission.

Why do you hate the United States? We were attacked and the American people deserve to know 100% of the story.


Legio patria nostra
Tell me again when a mob of thousands of angry black men tried to overthrow a sitting Congress to alter a constitutional process.
Never said that at all.
Mobs of blacks target Walmart’s and Best Buy’s.
My comment was on response to what happens when a mob of blacks go on a rampage versus a mob of Whites.
I think the number of latter events is minimal.

Poop Head

Judge me.
Tell me again when a mob of thousands of angry black men tried to overthrow a sitting Congress to alter a constitutional process.
1. This :censored2: happens ALL THE TIME in Africa.

2. Even if you could get thousands of American blacks together into a mob, good luck with getting them to do anything towards a unified goal. Theyre just gonna disperse, destroy and loot everything nearby.

The Driver

I drive.
1. This * happens ALL THE TIME in Africa.

2. Even if you could get thousands of American blacks together into a mob, good luck with getting them to do anything towards a unified goal. Theyre just gonna disperse, destroy and loot everything nearby.
Tell me again about how blacks are more violent or engage in more theft than whites or Asians. World War 2 ring a bell, you racist?