Storming the Capitol


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Fox News' lawyers said in court that no reasonable viewer would believe the statements Carlson makes.
NEW - Congressman Matt Gaetz calls on FBI Director Wray to fully disclose the role and involvement of FBI operatives during the January 6 Capitol riot.

Looks like tucker isn't the only one asking for information. Do you ever admit you are wrong? Or ever say that the info you got was bad? Just curious.


nowhere special
NEW - Congressman Matt Gaetz calls on FBI Director Wray to fully disclose the role and involvement of FBI operatives during the January 6 Capitol riot.

Looks like tucker isn't the only one asking for information. Do you ever admit you are wrong? Or ever say that the info you got was bad? Just curious.
Wray keeps lying under oath and trying to cover up how dirty he has been.


nowhere special
NEW - Congressman Matt Gaetz calls on FBI Director Wray to fully disclose the role and involvement of FBI operatives during the January 6 Capitol riot.

Not my words.

Rep. Gosar: Do you approve of lethal force against unarmed citizens especially 110 pound women with no warning, no prior use of nonlethal force while lying and wait?

Chris Wray: I’m not going to try to answer a hypothetical especially a case…

Rep. Gosar: That wasn’t a hypothetical. That’s actually what happened.



Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Your masters are pleased
Your contribution will not be ignored DIDO
-we see everything
-soon our president will return
-don’t ever give up
-where we go one we go All
Is this who you are talking about???


Netsua 3:16

Is this who you are talking about???

Again. If you’d like to make a point, you’re going to have to use your words like a big boy.
Don’t tiptoe around what you think. It conveys a lack of confidence. Like a nervous teenager


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Again. If you’d like to make a point, you’re going to have to use your words like a big boy.
Don’t tiptoe around what you think. It conveys a lack of confidence. Like a nervous teenager
I've made my point. And you know I have. But good trolling by you.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Again. If you’d like to make a point, you’re going to have to use your words like a big boy.
Don’t tiptoe around what you think. It conveys a lack of confidence. Like a nervous teenager
P.S. I think this document is important.


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Netsua 3:16

P.S. I think this document is important.
Dude if you think it was perpetrated by the FBI I’m all ears. Let’s talk about it.
Just funny that you quack about conspiracy theorists. Meanwhile you’re pushing documentation that suggests the FBI was responsible for the capital attacks?
This is why you need to use your words and tell us exactly what you think