Storming the Capitol

Faux News host Harris said that Vladimir Putin gave more time to the press than Joe Biden, even though the US president had not yet delivered his solo press conference on Wednesday. And she's one of the "smart" ones.

El Correcto

god is dead
BLm is just an racially based anti-police brutality movement. I think it's still predominantly left-wing, but not overwhelmingly so. A lot of mainstream liberals in there.
Antifa is a tactic and is inherently Leftist. There is no one doing Antifa stuff who isn't a Leftist. Plenty of people doing Leftist stuff that aren't Antifa, though. Again Antifa is mostly a game Anarchists play, esp in this country
Antifa is a terrorist movement.
BLM is a marxist movement.

you are very ill informed you buffoon.

Netsua 3:16

So you haven't made your views official on a piece of paper. They still clearly favor a side.
That’s correct
I only vote local. I begrudgingly select based on who I want at that particular time. I’ve registered locally as a dem and also a repub.
It’s not something that I’m proud of at all. Those close to me think it’s crazy that I don’t vote, and as I’ve gotten older I do feel the urge to cast a vote; even if it’s for a write in, even if it’s just to appease, even though “appeasing” isn’t usually my bag.
Not that local elections are totally sacred and untampered with; I just have zero faith in the presidential election process. None. It’s a total dog and pony show.
I honestly wouldn’t be surprised at all to learn that the election was fraudulent in some way. And to be honest, I have no problem pressing the Dems over this. What I don’t like is Trump USING it to benefit his own interests. When Florida happened in 2000, and they dragged the results out for the world to see over the course of the following 4-6 weeks; man, major red flag
There is already a precedent set, of a president committing major crimes while IN office, and we’re talking within the last 50 years.
There’s always voter ballot disputes. Always. And I’m tired of it too; but it’s not cool that Trump is manipulating people into believing that he’s some sort of “savior;” when all this is to him is some sort of bizarre power play.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Faux News host Harris said that Vladimir Putin gave more time to the press than Joe Biden, even though the US president had not yet delivered his solo press conference on Wednesday. And she's one of the "smart" ones.
Wait, are you about to flip flop????

Netsua 3:16

You should opt for ECT before having a frontal.
Just curious
Why are you constantly up my ass?
Are you a big Triple H fan or something?
I’m all for internet jabs at random strangers. But there’s something about your posts that give off a “serial killer” vibe
“You had January 6,” declared Trump’s new flack, Liz Harrington, “they opened the door to the capitol… it’s not an easy building to get into...

“They opened the door and people walked through. …. Some people just walked in. And now they are being kept for misdemeanors in some political jail? What is happening here? What about the people who burned down St. John’s Church?”

BTW: At least five people died, dozens of police officers were seriously injured, and St. John’s Church was not burned down.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
“You had January 6,” declared Trump’s new flack, Liz Harrington, “they opened the door to the capitol… it’s not an easy building to get into...

“They opened the door and people walked through. …. Some people just walked in. And now they are being kept for misdemeanors in some political jail? What is happening here? What about the people who burned down St. John’s Church?”

BTW: At least five people died, dozens of police officers were seriously injured, and St. John’s Church was not burned down.
Nope, back to the puppeteer status you go.
On January 6, as the violent mob advanced on the House chamber, I was standing near
and helped him open his gas mask. The Capitol Police led us to safety. It is disgusting and despicable to see Gosar lie about that day and smear the men and women who defended us.

Liz Cheney
"How you can vote no to this is beyond me. Then again, denying an insurrection is as well. To the brave Capitol (and DC metro PD) thank you. To the 21: they will continue to defend your right to vote no anyway"

Adam Kinzinger

· 21h
House passed updated bill awarding Gold Medal to Cap Police & DC Police, 406-21. Rs opposed to honoring 1/6 bravery: Cloud Boebert Harris Rose (TN) Massie Good Gohmert Moore (AL) Norman Rosendale Greene Roy Biggs Gosar Davidson Perry Gaetz Steube Clyde Hice Miller (IL)…


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
"How you can vote no to this is beyond me. Then again, denying an insurrection is as well. To the brave Capitol (and DC metro PD) thank you. To the 21: they will continue to defend your right to vote no anyway"

Adam Kinzinger

· 21h
House passed updated bill awarding Gold Medal to Cap Police & DC Police, 406-21. Rs opposed to honoring 1/6 bravery: Cloud Boebert Harris Rose (TN) Massie Good Gohmert Moore (AL) Norman Rosendale Greene Roy Biggs Gosar Davidson Perry Gaetz Steube Clyde Hice Miller (IL)…
LOL. 👌 Puppet I get it. No matter what comes forward you will only believe those.