Storming the Capitol


Inordinately Right
The rioting over the summer was wrong but it wasn't a flagrant attack on a sitting Congress. Screw off, dude.
You are such an intellectually dishonest person.
Screw off, dude.



The Driver

I drive.
He did tell them to peacefully go to the Capitol to protest. Yes, it was the Capitol. But it leaves us scratching our heads when y'all act like Jan.6th was the worst thing since 9/11 while downplaying last summer's riots as no big deal. Much, much more death and destruction last summer and yet y'all seem to think a bunch of unarmed mostly out of shape middle aged men were within inches of taking over the government. I know there's a tendency to play things up for political effect but what I saw last summer looked a lot worse.
They were within a few minutes of violent confrontation with our elected leaders.

Race riots are not the same as the attempt to sabotage a sitting Congress in order to change an election result.

The Driver

I drive.
You mean like the Dems do.
Your side's Rep. Cheney seemed to have reason to believe that Jim Jordan was instrumental in fomenting or even planning the insurrectionist riots. And Jordan was placed on the commission by McCarthy. Why? What purpose would that serve unless McCarthy wanted the commission to fall apart so he could create his own commission? It's so obvious that the GQP doesn't have any desire to get to the bottom of the events of that day and what led up to it.

It's beneath the dignity of the institution.

The Driver

I drive.
there is no seriousness to the issue.
Rioters broke into the Capitol while the Congress was in session and were roaming the halls hunting for representatives and the Vice-President. They injured over 140 cops in the process.

If I could go back in time and tell you 5 years ago that this would happen I imagine you'd have a different reaction. You are caught up in the cult of Trumpism and so you justify it as no big deal.

If these insurrectionists were by and large black and brown you would absolutely have lost your :censored2:ing mind. You are a dishonest person.


Well-Known Member
Rioters broke into the Capitol while the Congress was in session and were roaming the halls hunting for representatives and the Vice-President. They injured over 140 cops in the process.

If I could go back in time and tell you 5 years ago that this would happen I imagine you'd have a different reaction. You are caught up in the cult of Trumpism and so you justify it as no big deal.

If these insurrectionists were by and large black and brown you would absolutely have lost your *ing mind. You are a dishonest person.
They didn't hunt anyone. They had the ability to do a lot more, and did not. It was Cosplay.