Storming the Capitol


Inordinately Right
Rioters broke into the Capitol while the Congress was in session and were roaming the halls hunting for representatives and the Vice-President. They injured over 140 cops in the process.

If I could go back in time and tell you 5 years ago that this would happen I imagine you'd have a different reaction. You are caught up in the cult of Trumpism and so you justify it as no big deal.

If these insurrectionists were by and large black and brown you would absolutely have lost your *ing mind. You are a dishonest person.
Drama queen.


Well-Known Member
Imagine the same situation but with black people attacking and ransacking the Capitol. Search your heart and feelings. How do you feel about it now?

My case would be easy to make if blacks had done it, because then there would be a body count and fires and half the halls emptied of valuables and then tagged with blocky gang graffiti.

El Correcto

god is dead
My bad.

And yes, they were searching for an ass to kick. We're lucky the sons of bitches didn't come face to face with our elected leaders.
Yeah just like those Breana Taylor people that surrounded Rand Paul or the guy that actually hurt Rand Paul or that Bernie Bro that shot up the baseball field. Thank goodness nothing like that happened to Dear Leaders.

El Correcto

god is dead

I really can’t think of a more apt description of Nancy Pelosi and McConnell.


Well-Known Member
Your side's Rep. Cheney seemed to have reason to believe that Jim Jordan was instrumental in fomenting or even planning the insurrectionist riots. And Jordan was placed on the commission by McCarthy. Why? What purpose would that serve unless McCarthy wanted the commission to fall apart so he could create his own commission? It's so obvious that the GQP doesn't have any desire to get to the bottom of the events of that day and what led up to it.

It's beneath the dignity of the institution.
Four years of baseless attacks on Trump and you're worried about their dignity?


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
I could do better, I agree.

The frustration I feel when a third of the country doesn’t see a problem with what happened on the 6th is something I have to manage when coming face to face with the deniers here and elsewhere.

The president was AWOL when his first job is to protect the country from attack. It’s insane to me that we’re giving him any *ing credit at all. How many hours went by before he told his idiot following to “go home”?

Please explain thins...