Storming the Capitol


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Black rioters weren't within striking distance of a sitting Congress, DUDE! Do you see the difference here? Are you that dense?
You are giving these elected officials to much power. They are no more important then the person next to you. They don't have power they should be doing as we say.. Not as they want or are told to do by a few people.

The Driver

I drive.
You are giving these elected officials to much power.
The whole point is that "WE" give them temporary power to try to help solve the problems of society to the extent that they can under the law.

They are the agents of the Constitution and to carry out the will of the people under the supreme law of the land. If they're not important then why not get rid of the Secret Service and Capitol Police altogether? Or would that have put Trump in danger and his ridiculous allies?

The Driver

I drive.
He was fighting baseless prosecutions. Yeah, they were going to let him off because he bullied them.
Take the impeachments for example. He was guilty as sin but not convicted because stupid politics.

Now an evil Democrat could do the same thing and there's precedent for letting them off the hook. It's a shame.