Storming the Capitol


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Not a mind reader. You wanna tell me what you think is so dumb or do you just want to go masturbate to hentai again for the 7th time today?
Yeah. How hardcore you are with such idiotic statements along with your groveling tendencies. "OMG. IT'S SURGING ACCROSS THE NATION BECAUSE OF THE UNVACCINATED! 1/6 WAS A TRAVESTY!" Lmfao. Get a grip.

The Driver

I drive.
Be honest are you wearing one of those ridiculous masks right now as you post all this non sense. They kind of like the new tin foil hat.
I’m at home, so no. And I’m not concerned because I’m fully vaccinated.

But this Delta variant is still being learned about by virologists. I know you and others here hate hearing about experts. They make you feel small, don’t they?

The Driver

I drive.
Yeah. How hardcore you are with such idiotic statements along with your groveling tendencies. "OMG. IT'S SURGING ACCROSS THE NATION BECAUSE OF THE UNVACCINATED! 1/6 WAS A TRAVESTY!" Lmfao. Get a grip.
Cases have tripled over the last couple weeks. It’s 60-200% more infectious than the older variant.

Good luck. It’s coming for almost everyone who’s not vaccinated. That’s what Trump’s FDA chief even has said.


Inordinately Right
Cases have tripled over the last couple weeks. It’s 60-200% more infectious than the older variant.
OMG be afraid, be very afraid!

It's over, move on buddy.


Well-Known Member
Take the impeachments for example. He was guilty as sin but not convicted because stupid politics.

Now an evil Democrat could do the same thing and there's precedent for letting them off the hook. It's a shame.
Seriously? They had him dead to rights and let him off the hook? Seriously?


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
It is. You’ll be fine though, since besides the fact you whack it to cartoons in the dark you get plenty of exercise and sunshine, presuming you’re in package.
I don't even work at UPS, butthole. But yes, I workout and spend a lot of time outside so I have those bases covered. I still don't know why you're so infatuated with my sex life though.