Storming the Capitol

The Driver

I drive.
Yes the date of the apocalypse is always changing with you death cult Democrats.
Over 75,000,000 are unprotected. Do the math on 1% death rate if Trump's own FDA chief said that the virus will find every unprotected person in America. It should be unacceptable, but you and your death cult are playing games with peoples' lives.

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
You are wasting your time arguing with these guys. They have nothing to do in their lives besides post on here all day.

You wouldn’t care to talk to them in real life, so why waste your time on them here.

I believe Correcto posted something about all of his drugged out relatives..Drive in is a shifter with no money or education.. Sailfish likes anime ..which is more than I need to know to ignore him lol

Just give it up trying to change any of them
Funny I think the same about you drones


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
You are wasting your time arguing with these guys. They have nothing to do in their lives besides post on here all day.

You wouldn’t care to talk to them in real life, so why waste your time on them here.

I believe Correcto posted something about all of his drugged out relatives..Drive in is a shifter with no money or education.. Sailfish likes anime ..which is more than I need to know to ignore him lol

Just give it up trying to change any of them
This coming from some old lib whose whole family has TDS. Lmfao. Aren't you the one who posts his wife's legs on internet forums?