Storming the Capitol

The Driver

I drive.
You’re certainly not an expert.
You see the name “Harvard” and you act like you have one of the sacred tablets.
LOL. Really pathetic that you’re impressed so easily. You probably quoted Fauci for a year too, huh?🐑
Harvard has credibility unlike Trump and Tucker or a bozo like Marjorie Taylor Green.


Legio patria nostra
Harvard has credibility unlike Trump and Tucker or a bozo like Marjorie Taylor Green.
Most US accredited universities have “ credibility”, hence the word.
Home schooled drop outs like you hold an institution like Harvard in awe; then acting as if the name of the school is above reproach…
Weak minded.

The Driver

I drive.
Most US accredited universities have “ credibility”, hence the word.
Home schooled drop outs like you hold an institution like Harvard in awe; then acting as if the name of the school is above reproach…
Weak minded.
Home schooled dropouts? What?

Harvard isn’t the only institution showing concern for this variant. The CDC is concerned. They are chock full of experts. Trump’s own FDA pick said this variant is extremely dangerous.


Well-Known Member
The GOP Senate let him off the hook, yes.

The question is whether a jury of his peers will do the same thing if his kids or CFO flip on him in the criminal case filed against the Trump Organization.
What exactly was presented to the Senate that should have convicted Trump?


Legio patria nostra
Cases have tripled over the last couple weeks. It’s 60-200% more infectious than the older variant.
Yet, Blabbering Dementia Joe is more concerned with his Mexican constituents at the Southern Border than the average tax-paying American.

His "plan" was to ride the wave that President Trump initiated but doesn't have the brains or something of someone else's to copy to advance ANY type of strategy to save American lives!!!

He should be impeached for incompetence and his followers stripped of future voting rights!!!

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
Rand Paul FAA Fauci’s number and Fauci’s coming apart defending his lies and unscrupulous dealing with the Chinese.
Everyone with a brain can see he’s lying, but to the Dims, he’s a hero…
Operative word is brain, and the left is a hive mind, not individual brains. They get talking points and off they go

Off the leash

Well-Known Member
Yet, Blabbering Dementia Joe is more concerned with his Mexican constituents at the Southern Border than the average tax-paying American.

His "plan" was to ride the wave that President Trump initiated but doesn't have the brains or something of someone else's to copy to advance ANY type of strategy to save American lives!!!

He should be impeached for incompetence and his followers stripped of future voting rights!!!
He’s a puppet, Obumas minions are running the show