Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
I can’t stand Trump.. seeing people riot did not make me feel any better or worse about him.

I think it would tough for a mayor to decide how much force to use on the angry protestors. The capital police were faced with the same dilemma.

You could always spray the crowd with bullets in both cases..but it would be a decision with consequences.
You can use rubber bullets, water cannons, cops in riot gear, etc. Very often the areas burned down hurt poor minorities the most. People got killed and seriously injured because police were ordered to stand down. And we're now seeing outbreaks of lawlessness nationwide due to local prosecutors refusing to bring charges for what used to be serious crimes. Exactly what kind of world are we attempting to achieve going forward?


Well-Known Member
Everything in 2020 was about hurting Trump politically for the election.
In your mind..I’m sure that is true. It is unbelievable to me how you guys really believe this.

Is there anything else in your lives? What did you care about before Trump came into the picture?


I'm a star
You can use rubber bullets, water cannons, cops in riot gear, etc. Very often the areas burned down hurt poor minorities the most. People got killed and seriously injured because police were ordered to stand down. And we're now seeing outbreaks of lawlessness nationwide due to local prosecutors refusing to bring charges for what used to be serious crimes. Exactly what kind of world are we attempting to achieve going forward?

Yep, standing back and letting rioters destroy stuff other people own also has consequences.


Well-Known Member
In your mind..I’m sure that is true. It is unbelievable to me how you guys really believe this.

Is there anything else in your lives? What did you care about before Trump came into the picture?
Literally everything Democrats did at the Congressional level for 4+ years was to obstruct and remove Trump. We know for a fact that the Clinton campaign was behind the whole Russian collusion narrative that put the country through the ringer for 2+ years. There are liberals on this forum who still believe it. So taking advantage of a virus, a drug addict's death at the hands of a cop, a storming of the Capitol building to impeach the president, etc is pretty easy when you look at everything else that happened to extrapolate that the socialist leaning liberals and the military-industrial based neocons would do anything to remove a successful capitalist bent on getting us out of wars and preventing us getting into new ones. Everything in Washington is about maintaining the status quo of having all that money flow into the right hands. It isn't about saving the planet or vanquishing poverty. It's about power for the ruling class and to maintain that power they need money flowing to certain constituencies who give them votes to maintain that power. It's about giving contracts to large corporations who kick back some of that money into campaign coffers. If you think those people are there because they're high minded and want to do what's best for the average American you're naive. How can you tell? Because if a leader comes in who is trying to do the right thing, no matter his personal flaws, they'll do everything in their power to destroy him. Spending to the point of being reckless isn't about doing the right thing. It's about maintaining power. They think they can fix it later. Power hungry fools are ruining this country and their supporters turn a blind eye because of party loyalty. And yes Bush Jr spent too much and Trump had to make huge spending deals to get what he wanted. The only thing that'll stop us from ruining ourselves will take a literal break up of the country. Too little too late at that point.


Well-Known Member
Literally everything Democrats did at the Congressional level for 4+ years was to obstruct and remove Trump. We know for a fact that the Clinton campaign was behind the whole Russian collusion narrative that put the country through the ringer for 2+ years. There are liberals on this forum who still believe it. So taking advantage of a virus, a drug addict's death at the hands of a cop, a storming of the Capitol building to impeach the president, etc is pretty easy when you look at everything else that happened to extrapolate that the socialist leaning liberals and the military-industrial based neocons would do anything to remove a successful capitalist bent on getting us out of wars and preventing us getting into new ones. Everything in Washington is about maintaining the status quo of having all that money flow into the right hands. It isn't about saving the planet or vanquishing poverty. It's about power for the ruling class and to maintain that power they need money flowing to certain constituencies who give them votes to maintain that power. It's about giving contracts to large corporations who kick back some of that money into campaign coffers. If you think those people are there because they're high minded and want to do what's best for the average American you're naive. How can you tell? Because if a leader comes in who is trying to do the right thing, no matter his personal flaws, they'll do everything in their power to destroy him. Spending to the point of being reckless isn't about doing the right thing. It's about maintaining power. They think they can fix it later. Power hungry fools are ruining this country and their supporters turn a blind eye because of party loyalty. And yes Bush Jr spent too much and Trump had to make huge spending deals to get what he wanted. The only thing that'll stop us from ruining ourselves will take a literal break up of the country. Too little too late at that point.
Damn you get yourself worked up!

My life hasn’t been affected in any real way by any politician.

My health, my relationships with family and friends and my financial situation are controlled by me. They are working you couch potatoes into a frenzy now with nonstop political propaganda.

Go for a damn walk or something! Lol


Strength through joy
Well this will fix everything.

The Senate unanimously passed a measure Monday evening that would allow the Capitol Police to request assistance from the National Guard without approval from the Capitol Police Board, removing a bureaucratic step that critics say could hinder the police force’s ability to react quickly in an emergency


I'm a star
Well this will fix everything.

The Senate unanimously passed a measure Monday evening that would allow the Capitol Police to request assistance from the National Guard without approval from the Capitol Police Board, removing a bureaucratic step that critics say could hinder the police force’s ability to react quickly in an emergency

Too bad they don't have any such authority to usurp the executive powers. Wasn't it Nancy who declined NG support to begin with?


Inordinately Right
Is there anything else in your lives? What did you care about before Trump came into the picture?
My life hasn’t been affected in any real way by any politician.

My health, my relationships with family and friends and my financial situation are controlled by me.
You were on here crying that you would never be able to retire because of Trump.

I swear it's like you people suffer from mass psychosis. You just shift from one delusional worldview to another. SMH.


I'm a star
Both parties in Congress were caught off guard by the fierceness of the trump militias in attacking the Capitol. The Republican leadership begged trump to call off his dogs.

After Trump offered National Guard support, and Nancy said "no, we plan on letting people into the Capital and attacking them with our police force so we can make PTCarwashers think that Congress was under attack."