Storming the Capitol

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I’m fairly unimpressed with Biden one way or another.

Always good to see confirmation of still-functioning prefrontal cortexes in a few of my fellow Democratic voters when 78% of Democrats still approve of Biden's job as President. :)



Staff member
Always good to see confirmation of still-functioning prefrontal cortexes in a few of my fellow Democratic voters when 78% of Democrats still approve of Biden's job as President. :)

To be honest, if you’re asking me if I prefer him over Trump, I’m going to respond in the affirmative.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Do we all have something to hide? If you're breaking the law shouldn't you be held accountable? Turn the cameras on everywhere. Use facial recognition technology and if criminal acts are recorded then for once go enforce the damn laws and arrest them. The NSA doesn't give a damn about your speeding. But if they're able to stop another 9/11, another Oklahoma City then damn straight track the hell out of everyone. My rights haven't diminished one bit since the Patriot Act was enacted with the exception of having to listen to people go on and on about how the government is going to take everything from us with these amazing powers they've been given.
Aahh I get it. A big bush are going to have your eyes blown open to how dirty that family is and was.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
I don't have faith in this Democratic controlled administration and Congress. I do have faith in the Constitution and as long as we uphold it I'll have faith in the country. But will have to accept there are people, a lot of them, who have a very different view of life than I do. Push back, demand your rights, but live and let live as long as they respect your rights as much as they demand you respect theirs. But this divisiveness because people are paranoid about what might happen, no matter who the paranoid are or what side of politics they're on, does nothing for the cohesion we need to remain a strong country.
Wait your are a constitutionalist? So, you might want to read through the constitution. Definitely read the one about your right to privacy..


Well-Known Member
By the way the Constitution doesn't mention the right to privacy.

The Constitutional Amendments Protecting Privacy​

US Supreme Court precedent has held that the right to privacy comes from the First, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments. The First Amendment protects the right to speak freely, assemble peacefully, and worship according to individual choice. The Third Amendment prohibits the government from forcing individuals to quarter, house, or feed soldiers. The Fourth Amendment prevents the government from unreasonably searching or seizing an individual or an individual’s property. The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments provide due process of law before the government can deprive an individual of life, liberty, or property. The Ninth Amendment states that rights not explicitly set forth in the Constitution may still exist. Taken together, these amendments indicate that the Constitution was written to erect a barrier between individuals and an overly intrusiveand regulatory government

It’s true is not explicitly mentioned. But your right to privacy is littered throughout the constitution.