Storming the Capitol


Well-Known Member
Why? Companies are making a killing!



Staff member

Maybe trickle down doesn’t work?


Well-Known Member
Corporations don’t pay high taxes
And who wrote those laws? Interesting Joe Biden was going to go after billionaires and now he’s going to make sure he taxes people using Venmo if they send more than $600 lol yeah we gotta get those rich people

I bet you didn’t realize “you” are what they consider rich


Well-Known Member
Now you sound like Bernie Sanders and I agree with you.
Well, maybe you just haven’t been paying attention to me for a very long. I’ve been over this plenty of times. I don’t agree with either side on everything although one side seems to like to tell us one thing, and do another, more often than the other.
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Well-Known Member
Maybe trickle down doesn’t work?


Well-Known Member
Why is it that Democrats put forth this idea that if they have their way everyone will be prosperous? That policies put forth that enable the wealthy to do better don't benefit anyone else? Never ceases to amaze me that someone making $80k a year is really rankled that there's a guy over there making a million a year. That guy over there creates jobs for others. The guy making $80k a year makes enough, especially with his spouse working, to have a home, raise a family, save for his future, and have some nice things. But it's never enough. Class envy. Right up there with the constant harping on racism. Learn to be content with what you have.


Heavily Moderated User, Loves Sailfish
well there was a stolen election so there's that.

you guys do realize the original revolutionaries of this country were considered traitors at one point.
generally the side that wins in that case gets to label the losing side traitors.
Narrator: The election, in fact, was not stolen. Trump lost.


Well-Known Member
Maybe trickle down doesn’t work?
We had this discussion years ago. You're in a position to take less for yourself and give each of your drivers more. But you won't do that. Why do you want to see our economic system turned upside down in an experiment when you yourself won't set an example by taking half of what you gross and distribute it to your drivers who could really use it?


Staff member
We had this discussion years ago. You're in a position to take less for yourself and give each of your drivers more. But you won't do that. Why do you want to see our economic system turned upside down in an experiment when you yourself won't set an example by taking half of what you gross and distribute it to your drivers who could really use it?
Perhaps you haven’t kept up to date with FedEx Ground. Contractors as a whole are not in such a position. Many barely break even and others go bankrupt and a large number are looking to get out by any means necessary.

Thanks for chiming in though.😜


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you haven’t kept up to date with FedEx Ground. Contractors as a whole are not in such a position. Many barely break even and others go bankrupt and a large number are looking to get out by any means necessary.

Thanks for chiming in though.😜
So you're saying you don't gross 6 figures anymore for yourself?


Staff member
Why is it that Democrats put forth this idea that if they have their way everyone will be prosperous? That policies put forth that enable the wealthy to do better don't benefit anyone else? Never ceases to amaze me that someone making $80k a year is really rankled that there's a guy over there making a million a year. That guy over there creates jobs for others. The guy making $80k a year makes enough, especially with his spouse working, to have a home, raise a family, save for his future, and have some nice things. But it's never enough. Class envy. Right up there with the constant harping on racism. Learn to be content with what you have.
That’s simply not true. Warren Buffet is very clear about what he believes is wrong with American capitalism. He believes the rules are tilted toward the rich and powerful who make the rules.

That’s not a difficult conclusion to arrive at.

But it doesn’t keep him from playing the game ruthlessly.

Republicans, however, do seem to believe that they too can one day hob nob with the Trumps and Clintons. They can’t and won’t.