Storming the Capitol


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
That’s simply not true. Warren Buffet is very clear about what he believes is wrong with American capitalism. He believes the rules are tilted toward the rich and powerful who make the rules.

That’s not a difficult conclusion to arrive at.

But it doesn’t keep him from playing the game ruthlessly.

Republicans, however, do seem to believe that they too can one day hob nob with the Trumps and Clintons. They can’t and won’t.
The Democrat continues to bemoan the wealthy. He believes one day he can hob nob with the everyone because he doesn't have to work and the government owes him.
The wealthy pay more than their fair share of taxes. Stop peddling the rich are evil.
Work. Get paid. Live with what you make and have. Quit bitchin'.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
I'm talking about personal gross income before taxes, not all the business expenses that you write off your corporation. Let's say you gross personally $150k. You could reduce your taxable income by giving each of your drivers an extra $5k. Same discussion we had years ago. Let's say that leaves you with $100k gross. About the same as many UPS drivers. You could live very decently on that. But you won't do it. You didn't get into that work to give a third away to your employees. But you'll criticize the capitalist system because some rich guy is making a lot more than you.
You know that's not how it works right? An owner is the last to get paid , after all the expenses are covered. Quarterly, semi annual and year business forecasts try to predict profits and compensation, but ultimately you're last to get paid.


Well-Known Member
You know that's not how it works right? An owner is the last to get paid , after all the expenses are covered. Quarterly, semi annual and year business forecasts try to predict profits and compensation, but ultimately you're last to get paid.
That's true, he gets to keep what's leftover after all expenses and then paying his personal income taxes. I'm saying that if his gross personal income after all expenses but not having paid income tax yet is $150k(just for example) why not give his workers more which would reduce his personal tax burden? Bring his income down to say $100k?

It goes beyond that with him. He has friends who won't get as big a Social Security check as others. Some will get a minimal check if nothing at all. He has said if everyone doesn't get the same then burn it all down. Doesn't take into account the long hours and hard work those with bigger SS checks get. Doesn't take into account all the taxes they paid over the years including to pay for benefits his friends enjoyed who preferred not to work like that. Were content with minimal work hours plus side hustles. If someone gets a bigger SS check than me I'm going to assume they earned it. There may come a point where those checks will be reduced to keep the system solvent. But give people who didn't apply themselves the same amount?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
The problem is you lost.

Like Marge said you guys should have gone in with guns and done...whatever. But your side failed. So until you actually follow through with your chest thumping and win a coup your side gets labeled as traitors and coup failures.

“And I've gotta tell you something: If Steve Bannon and I had organized that, we would have won, not to mention, it would have been armed."



Heavily Moderated User, Loves Sailfish
What middle class?


Well-Known Member
The problem is you lost.

Like Marge said you guys should have gone in with guns and done...whatever. But your side failed. So until you actually follow through with your chest thumping and win a coup your side gets labeled as traitors and coup failures.
Why would we go with violence? We're not BLM?


Well-Known Member
Do you see the difference between:

“And I've gotta tell you something: If Steve Bannon and I had organized that, we would have won, not to mention, it would have been armed."


"we're gonna impeach the :censored2:."

Not much difference except you want me to think your :censored2: is somehow nicer than my :censored2:.