Storming the Capitol


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
That’s simply not true. Warren Buffet is very clear about what he believes is wrong with American capitalism. He believes the rules are tilted toward the rich and powerful who make the rules.

That’s not a difficult conclusion to arrive at.

But it doesn’t keep him from playing the game ruthlessly.

Republicans, however, do seem to believe that they too can one day hob nob with the Trumps and Clintons. They can’t and won’t.
The democrats have more billionaires donating to them, why?


Staff member
So you're saying you don't gross 6 figures anymore for yourself?
Gross? Sure. But between fuel prices, inflation, and a company that believes contractors simply need to be more efficient and get more out of McDonalds level pay employees, the money isn’t even close to where you think it is.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Gross? Sure. But between fuel prices, inflation, and a company that believes contractors simply need to be more efficient and get more out of McDonalds level pay employees, the money isn’t even close to where you think it is.
I’m sure of that.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
That’s simply not true. Warren Buffet is very clear about what he believes is wrong with American capitalism. He believes the rules are tilted toward the rich and powerful who make the rules.

That’s not a difficult conclusion to arrive at.

But it doesn’t keep him from playing the game ruthlessly.

Republicans, however, do seem to believe that they too can one day hob nob with the Trumps and Clintons. They can’t and won’t.
The Clintons grifted their money.. where have Hillary and bill been lately?


Well-Known Member
That’s simply not true. Warren Buffet is very clear about what he believes is wrong with American capitalism. He believes the rules are tilted toward the rich and powerful who make the rules.

That’s not a difficult conclusion to arrive at.

But it doesn’t keep him from playing the game ruthlessly.

Republicans, however, do seem to believe that they too can one day hob nob with the Trumps and Clintons. They can’t and won’t.
Who cares if they do or don't? I'm a Republican and I could care less whether I'm rich or not. Of course the rules are tilted towards the rich and powerful. So? Making it extremely difficult for anyone to get rich so that everyone can share in the pie will take away the incentives necessary for business to be created and expanded and jobs to be created. And then we'll all be miserable together. And Warren Buffett talks out of both sides of his mouth. People like him and Gates talk about giving most of their fortunes to charity then come to find out they're maneuvering to not only keep most of it but to increase it. He tells you how much he cares to keep the tax man off his back.


Well-Known Member
Want and get usually in the realm of writing laws and regulations that benefit themselves.

Now whom do you think those laws and regulations don’t benefit? Or do you still believe in trickle down economics?
If they're creating good jobs and opportunities for others then let the tax laws benefit them.


Well-Known Member
Gross? Sure. But between fuel prices, inflation, and a company that believes contractors simply need to be more efficient and get more out of McDonalds level pay employees, the money isn’t even close to where you think it is.
I'm talking about personal gross income before taxes, not all the business expenses that you write off your corporation. Let's say you gross personally $150k. You could reduce your taxable income by giving each of your drivers an extra $5k. Same discussion we had years ago. Let's say that leaves you with $100k gross. About the same as many UPS drivers. You could live very decently on that. But you won't do it. You didn't get into that work to give a third away to your employees. But you'll criticize the capitalist system because some rich guy is making a lot more than you.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Want and get usually in the realm of writing laws and regulations that benefit themselves.

Now whom do you think those laws and regulations don’t benefit? Or do you still believe in trickle down economics?
It’s not a real economic theory


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I think you're mistaken. The wealth of the richest has increased while the wealth of the middle class has decreased.
I think you missed my sarcasm.
Biden wrote checks for two years (print money, decrease value, increase inflation, the reason for decreased wealth )and now the lazy asses won't get off their asses and work.