They need to hire some more people.Alright. I figured it was. Appreciate the clarification.
They need to hire some more people.Alright. I figured it was. Appreciate the clarification.
On what premise? Some jobs are far easier than others. Working slides is cake compared to working as a sorter.all of us should be making the same amount
Shouldn't you be glad new workers are making just as much as you with a far easier job so you can demand more pay for your current job? Or do you want everyone to suffer being poor because you had to do it once?Nobody wants to put their time in. I wanted to be a driver and spent years busting my ass for pennies on the inside and then grinding up the seniority ladder for a full time driving job. It’s angering to me at least to see all that work and sacrifice I did just to see some moaning teenager come in and get more than a first year driver.
At the rate that gasoline is going up how many PVD drivers do you think they can get?
Ya I would imagine getting pvd drivers with such high gas prices could be difficult.Especially now the 2/3 rule is gone and strike pay is payable on day one.
At the rate that gasoline is going up how many PVD drivers do you think they can get?
You bring up a good point about not being able to maintain new drivers. Some who have come to the center I work in have not been able to finish routes and consistently do them.My center is smaller and started Saturday Ground last fall. Manager said they were planning to hire 10 drivers for it. We got 2 that qualified in time and this is the highest number of 22.4s we have been able to maintain. Forced 6 punches with THICCC dispatches are happening every week including one or two top rate drivers being forced almost every.... single..... week..... I am amazed we haven't had any accidents yet from burn out. We have to be HEMORRHAGING money on Saturday especially with top rates being forced a 6 punch.
They need to pay the helpers moreThis is really going to hurt them I think. Not sure what a PVD makes but I thought I saw posted on here it was above $30/hr. How much more are they going to have to pay to get them back if at all and will it be worth it. I think PVD's really bailed them out last year since at least here we couldn't get nearly enough hoppers, much less get them to stay all of peak.
Company will just automate more taking away more careful what you wish for.
@MECH-liftAtlanta doesn't care..they say the customers demand Saturday delivery....been on the call and seen the power point.
Our workforce does not want Saturdays never has and never will.
This is a fair and sane attitudeI will support my coworkers if strike is the choice made, but I will not encourage a strike.
No management people at my building understand why we do Saturdays there’s no possibility of making money it’s so far in the red. And they still pretend at some point we’re doing Sundays?My center is smaller and started Saturday Ground last fall. Manager said they were planning to hire 10 drivers for it. We got 2 that qualified in time and this is the highest number of 22.4s we have been able to maintain. Forced 6 punches with THICCC dispatches are happening every week including one or two top rate drivers being forced almost every.... single..... week..... I am amazed we haven't had any accidents yet from burn out. We have to be HEMORRHAGING money on Saturday especially with top rates being forced a 6 punch.
Are you talking package weight limit or people? Cause we might lose a lot of management with the latter.weight limit needs lowered forsakes
Crazy, wtf are they thinking?Yeah I vote to strike. The diad 6 has created more work, distraction, and time consuming troubleshooting taking away from productively servicing packages and driving safely. The diad 6 is unrelaible on rainy and cloudy days creating extra distractions. Diad 6 harasses me by not allowing me to punch in and sometimes not allowing me to punch out.
Also, orion has created more work by often hiding my next stop, ordering stops in such a way to make servicing them less safe, and for hiding commercial stops late in the day.
FixedAre you talking package weight limit or people? Cause we might lose a lot of feeder drivers with the latter.
Will ups even make it through 2022.i expect inside workers getting 3.5 in the coming monthsI fully support a strike in 2023. Both union and non-union employees where I come from feel like they have been worked like dogs the last three years and we’re tired of it. Meanwhile, the condition of our delivery vehicles, our facility and the technology that UPS pushes on us is disgraceful. The price of our stock is no indication of what is really going on at UPS and the moral of its dedicated employees.