Strike 2023


Yes, I know I'm working late.
Healthcare. Spare parts. Trucks and package cars. Tools. Construction material. All increase in prices or shortages.
Record profits. Every. Single. Quarter. That's off our backs. Watch next year as profits "seem" to plummet as we get closer to contract time. They do it every time. Masters of manipulating everything. I'll settle for nothing less than my fair share. My center manager got nearly $60k in MIP. That's after his salary that he works half the hours I do. I found out a long time ago that management hours include just staying awake or the illusion of being awake.

Cowboy Mac

Well-Known Member
Well the company's making record profits and they beat the living crap out of every employee during a pandemic

But they did find a way to give the supervisors some extra boneless pay, a bigger and my pee bonus and jack up the dividends by 1.5 billion dollars a year to the shareholder's

Don't cry for right now cuz it's not going to happen
Dang they got extra “boneless” pay AND a “my pee” bonus? Where’s my boneless pay?!


Well-Known Member
I disagree with your statement

They cannot get the job done with the staff level we have here and with that being said nobody wants to work
I work out of a center in the Midwest and there were center managers and all on road supervisors doing routes as drivers this past Saturday. Drivers were begged to come in and do however many stops they wanted and were given $50 gift cards.


Package Center Manager
I work out of a center in the Midwest and there were center managers and all on road supervisors doing routes as drivers this past Saturday. Drivers were begged to come in and do however many stops they wanted and were given $50 gift cards.
Atlanta doesn't care..they say the customers demand Saturday delivery....been on the call and seen the power point.

Our workforce does not want Saturdays never has and never will.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
Atlanta doesn't care..they say the customers demand Saturday delivery....been on the call and seen the power point.

Our workforce does not want Saturdays never has and never will.
Atlanta doesn't break out cost per package for Saturday operation facilities from what I've researched. I have a relative that works at HQ and he is quite tight lipped, but has implied that Saturday is a unfortunate business circumstance. His words.


Well-Known Member
Same public that doesn't flinch with every rate hike?
Drives me nuts when I hear someone bring up "what the public thinks".

When the public does for just one month what I've done for over 35+ years then maybe I'll perhaps listen to what they have to say. But they couldn't hack it so no worries.

You can't find people to do the simplest of jobs right now for $20ish an hour. You'd maybe get some action at $40 with benefits, but you'd also get a trash worker who would work like a bum and probably quit after a couple months at most.


Well-Known Member
EXACTLY!! Couldn't agree more.

I'm not out there for a sympathy trip. I only care about myself and my well being after all this time.

When my kids were growing up and sleeping by the time I returned home from work the public did not give crap nor did I solicit their opinion. And I definitely don't care what they think when contract time rolls around basically every 5 years.


Well-Known Member
We want the company to make record profits. What should probably be a priority is using those profits to replacing extremely outdated centers across the country. Seems that most of them are undersized and obsolete. It's going to take decades to replace a good portion of them, how about they start at some point?
There's enough to go around young brother......don't shortchange yourself.


Well-Known Member
I don’t think we will have to decide. Unfortunately I think the company is going to play rough ,take what we offer or you don’t have a job. They can replace us won’t mater if they need to hire 2 to do the same job. The horrible diad 6 the equally horrible Orion will allow them to get the job done.
Are you at all thinking and comprehending what you type here?

"won't matter if they need to hire 2"?? Dude they cut routes like crazy now and want minimum drivers on the street and yet here you are saying they will hire 2 to cover one route essentially.

Sure thing buddy.


Well-Known Member
You can go back every five years and find the same bs each time. Good luck finding a job anywhere that pays what we get paid and gets the benefits we get for the level of skill this job requires. We would be universally hated if we went on strike and people found out what we make alone. This isn’t 1997. There’s no more worker solidarity. People want their cheap crap and they want their cheap crap now and if you get in the way of that cheap crap they will tear your ass apart. FedEx and Amazon will suck up every last crumb of business like it’s nothing.
Damn Sissy, I didn't think I'd hear that junk coming from you. Not good my man.
That type of thinking is why the company gets away with so much various nonsense and laughs all the way to the bank year in and year out.
I'm not sure about you, but when I saddle up to the table I eat BIG!! And when cake is served I want an even BIGGER slice.


Well-Known Member
Collectively our willingness to strike affects what will be on the table. There's no reason for us to take an overly "polite" stance heading into negotiations. And of course O'Brien already hasn't and isn't. But this posture won't be so effective if the membership largely tucks their tails between their legs. No. We have every reason to fire shots across the company's bow before negotiations. Not because we're hellbent on striking for the sake of striking, or else pure vengeance, but to encourage the company to come correct. The company needs to remember who moves the boxes.
WOW, someone who actually thinks a bit prior to typing a comment. Well said.


Well-Known Member

New leadership is not playing. Company need to get their head right.
"We aren't going to be afraid to strike," said Sean M. O'Brien, Teamsters General President.

UPSers need to Take heed, and be prepared, put your money in savings. Calculate your $1.82 raise on your paycheck. and put it in savings for a year, if you have not started already.
I work out of a center in the Midwest and there were center managers and all on road supervisors doing routes as drivers this past Saturday. Drivers were begged to come in and do however many stops they wanted and were given $50 gift cards.
If they gave us a Time worked option for a six-punch and gave people four or five hour dispatch on a Saturday I think many guys would be willing to come in and do that.