Strike 2023


Well-Known Member
Pilot unions are hardcore, Those guys most likely wont fly. Scabs and line crossers are not looked upon kindly in that community. LOL years back a southwest CBA actually named individual scabs to be fired as a condition of the agreement, even ones that scabbed at a different airline years earlier.
The pilots honored the Teamster strike in '97 and I would be shocked if they didn't in 2023. UPS flew some 1DA routes with management pilots (yes that's a thing). They are a very tight group, when a few MD11 pilots were laid off in 2008 there are some MD11 pilots who still don't let mgmt people jumpseat with them to this day.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
We want the company to make record profits. What should probably be a priority is using those profits to replacing extremely outdated centers across the country. Seems that most of them are undersized and obsolete. It's going to take decades to replace a good portion of them, how about they start at some point?
Carol is against upgrading equipment. She made that well known when she came in. That was the entire idea behind better not bigger.

Company making record profits is fine. What isn’t fine is company profits increasing 50%. Dividends increasing 50% and employee compensation increasing 2%.