Stupid arguments about the Ground business model


Well-Known Member
Sorry, don't watch Newsmax. You have a rich fantasy life going there if you think a few hundred unarmed people had any chance of taking over the United States.
The riots were about civil rights on one side, and overthrowing the elected government on the other, and you think they should be judged the same way. You are deluded. Your value system is corrupt. Protests against murders by the state that had a few people becoming violent is not the same as overthrowing the entire government. Burning a police station and an autoparts store is NOT the same as violently invading the US Capitol Building. That they are the same in your head again shows how you are illogically conflating different issues. Try to think about it.


Inordinately Right
Talking about trying to deflect. When asked to disclose the reasons and objectives behind the Capital riots you tossed out MLK's comments without first considering the fact that his comments apply to all riots regardless of reason or objective. Falling into crap? You fell into your own .
I was clearly pointing out the quote is stupid and only stupid people believe that stupid narrative. Those people are Democrats, and they used it defend the hundreds of violent riots.

There is only one political ideology defending riots and it's yours.


Inordinately Right
And everyone on the right is a violent anti-government traitor, just like every BLM member is violent. You want to lump all those on the left as a single entity, but when the right wing nuts literally try to stop the seating of the president, it was just a few, and maybe Antifa and BLM were really behind it.
Democrats and their talking heads openly defended the riots. No Republicans did that.

That's a fact.


Well-Known Member
That is what defending violent rioters looks like.

You are deluded. Your value system is corrupt.
I didn't defend the violence on either side, clown. I just pointed out that there is a huge difference in degree. If foreigners came in and destroyed one police station, it is hugely different than if they invaded the capitol while the senate and house were deciding on the next president. If you don't get that, you don't deserve to live in this country. I support the protests, never the violence, and for you to state that I support violence makes you a liar. Even idiots who believed the election was stolen have the right to protest, no matter how ignorant it proves they are.


Well-Known Member
I was clearly pointing out the quote is stupid and only stupid people believe that stupid narrative. Those people are Democrats, and they used it defend the hundreds of violent riots.

There is only one political ideology defending riots and it's yours.
Can you list the names of ANY prominent democrats who supported the violence at the police murder protests????? I can name the LEADER of the repub magaTs who supported the invasion of the capitol, and even today said it was a loving, lovely event.


Well-Known Member
Democrats and their talking heads openly defended the riots. No Republicans did that.

That's a fact.
Democrats as a group NEVER supported the violence. Some individuals who may claim to be members supported some of the violence, yet EVERY single magaT voter supported the invasion of the capitol. and defended it as right of their people.


Well-Known Member
That is what defending violent rioters looks like.

You are deluded. Your value system is corrupt.
Your mistake is that you think supporting violence and supporting protests are the same because people like you can then excuse the Capitol invasion. That is ALL you are doing by claiming 'democrats' support violence.


Well-Known Member
Only idiots think protesting civil rights violations is the same as trying to overthrow the election results. It show clearly how ignorant some of the commenters are


Well-Known Member
I was clearly pointing out the quote is stupid and only stupid people believe that stupid narrative. Those people are Democrats, and they used it defend the hundreds of violent riots.

There is only one political ideology defending riots and it's yours.
You keep backing up like this and very soon you'll rear end yourself backing from the other direction.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Ill conceived or not is a matter of opinion. What they did do however is that they prevailed over all constitutional challenges which supersedes all laymen's opinions including both yours and mine.

When did I ever say anything about taking wealth from those who earned it? Then again speaking about wealth EARNED shouldn't Paris Hilton's trust fund be required to help pay the cost of keeping up the roads for the limousine her fat ass is being hauled around in? Shouldn't the Koch Brothers inherited billions that was earned by their father courtesy of the refineries he built for Stalin be used to help maintain the runways their private jets land on?

Shouldn't Joel Osteen's so called "nonprofit corporation" be required to pay to help maintain safe and navigable waterways for him to sail the "nonprofit's" 40 million dollar yacht on?
You're slowly becoming a Master of Deflection. High praise, indeed!

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Social security is in dire straits because too much income of the top 10% of earners is excluded from taxes. Simple. If ALL income was subject to the same rate poor working people pay, the program would be fully funded.
"Social Security benefits are capped at a maximum monthly benefit amount based on earnings history.

To prevent workers from paying more in taxes than they can later receive in benefits, there is a limit on the amount of annual wages or earned income subject to taxation, called a tax cap."


Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Like Jesus said- kill those you don't like. 'Thou shalt not kill' is pretty randomly enforced by so=called christians.
In Luke 22:36, Jesus tells His remaining disciples, “If you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.” Jesus knew that now was the time when His followers would be threatened, and He upheld their right to self-defense.

Society has the same right to self defense as the individual.

Perhaps you could house the murderers that we are putting to death. Justify your existence.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Only idiots think protesting civil rights violations is the same as trying to overthrow the election results. It show clearly how ignorant some of the commenters are
You really are a Denialist.

I'm recommending this article to anyone trying to converse with you:

Distorted Reality: What to Do About Early Signs of Psychosis
Unfortunately, I don't think it will help them reach you.


Well-Known Member
Democrats and their talking heads openly defended the riots. No Republicans did that.

That's a fact.
I'm sure federal law enforcement comprised of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents will get out to Portland , Minneapolis or wherever their presence is required in response to last summer's riots.
Right now however they are going after the capital rioters picking them off one at a time, taking them in booking them on federal charges and jailing many of them. It's going be easy work packing them away because it's all there in living color and even the best public defenders can't bull feces their way around it.


Well-Known Member
In Luke 22:36, Jesus tells His remaining disciples, “If you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.” Jesus knew that now was the time when His followers would be threatened, and He upheld their right to self-defense.

Society has the same right to self defense as the individual.

Perhaps you could house the murderers that we are putting to death. Justify your existence.
See what I mean. You dig up whatever old piece of ancient text you need from whichever version you need and there are THOUSANDS OF THEM and use it to support whatever point of view you want it to without offering a single scrap of evidence in support of the meaning you claim it represents.


Well-Known Member
And those PUBLICLY funded socialist roads made her wealth possible. Those who benefit the most should pay the most.
Spot on man. If not for those publicly funded highways paving the way to her Great Granddaddy's hotels poor Paris could just as easily been another working woman holding down 3 jobs just to get by. As it is she's just an accident of birth.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Spot on man. If not for those publicly funded highways paving the way to her Great Granddaddy's hotels poor Paris could just as easily been another working woman holding down 3 jobs just to get by. As it is she's just an accident of birth.
And your envy, and jealousy are palpable.


Well-Known Member
The riots were about civil rights on one side, and overthrowing the elected government on the other, and you think they should be judged the same way. You are deluded. Your value system is corrupt. Protests against murders by the state that had a few people becoming violent is not the same as overthrowing the entire government. Burning a police station and an autoparts store is NOT the same as violently invading the US Capitol Building. That they are the same in your head again shows how you are illogically conflating different issues. Try to think about it.
The riots were more about people taking advantage to loot with a bunch of anarchists in the mix who were just looking to destroy everything. The invading of the Capitol was a bunch of hot heads whose anger got the better of them. The elected government you claim they were looking to overthrow hadn't even been inaugurated yet. And you always want to downplay the summer riot violence but it was thousands injured, and close to three dozen killed. And 2 billion in property damage. It wasn't just a couple of stores.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure federal law enforcement comprised of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents will get out to Portland , Minneapolis or wherever their presence is required in response to last summer's riots.
Right now however they are going after the capital rioters picking them off one at a time, taking them in booking them on federal charges and jailing many of them. It's going be easy work packing them away because it's all there in living color and even the best public defenders can't bull feces their way around it.
Meanwhile Kamala Harris participated in getting last summer's rioters off scot free and no one is being charged.