Stupid arguments about the Ground business model


Well-Known Member
Democrats as a group NEVER supported the violence. Some individuals who may claim to be members supported some of the violence, yet EVERY single magaT voter supported the invasion of the capitol. and defended it as right of their people.
Democrat governors and mayors refused to stop the destruction. EVERY last one of THEM. We Republicans supported the right of protesters being at the Capitol Jan. 6th but very few people approved of invading the Capitol. Note most protesters there didn't enter the Capitol building. So again you're distorting the truth.


Well-Known Member
See what I mean. You dig up whatever old piece of ancient text you need from whichever version you need and there are THOUSANDS OF THEM and use it to support whatever point of view you want it to without offering a single scrap of evidence in support of the meaning you claim it represents.
You ramble and rave all the time and act like what you say is gospel.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Democrat governors and mayors refused to stop the destruction. EVERY last one of THEM. We Republicans supported the right of protesters being at the Capitol Jan. 6th but very few people approved of invading the Capitol. Note most protesters there didn't enter the Capitol building. So again you're distorting the truth.
Drama queen


Well-Known Member
"Social Security benefits are capped at a maximum monthly benefit amount based on earnings history.

To prevent workers from paying more in taxes than they can later receive in benefits, there is a limit on the amount of annual wages or earned income subject to taxation, called a tax cap."

That's the problem. Rich people pay a lower rate of their earnings than poor people do for social security.
The riots were more about people taking advantage to loot with a bunch of anarchists in the mix who were just looking to destroy everything. The invading of the Capitol was a bunch of hot heads whose anger got the better of them. The elected government you claim they were looking to overthrow hadn't even been inaugurated yet. And you always want to downplay the summer riot violence but it was thousands injured, and close to three dozen killed. And 2 billion in property damage. It wasn't just a couple of stores.
You have no problem excusing the white rioters who killed people as being hotheads, and then conflate all the protesters as anarchists. You don't seem to get the fact that an attempted reversal of a legal election for the presidency is much worse for the country than some riots. Something racist is clear in your answers every time I read them.


Well-Known Member
Meanwhile Kamala Harris participated in getting last summer's rioters off scot free and no one is being charged.
More FOX propaganda.
And many people have been charged in the rioting when identified. Meanwhile, Trump and his people were in contact with some of the Capitol invaders, just hours berfore, and they have gotten off scot free.


Well-Known Member
More FOX propaganda.
And many people have been charged in the rioting when identified. Meanwhile, Trump and his people were in contact with some of the Capitol invaders, just hours berfore, and they have gotten off scot free.
Kamala Harris was involved in a fund that bailed out last summer's rioters.


Well-Known Member
That's the problem. Rich people pay a lower rate of their earnings than poor people do for social security.

You have no problem excusing the white rioters who killed people as being hotheads, and then conflate all the protesters as anarchists. You don't seem to get the fact that an attempted reversal of a legal election for the presidency is much worse for the country than some riots. Something racist is clear in your answers every time I read them.
Of course you bring up racism because it's your only go to. In last summer's riots many who were doing the burning and physical attacks were white. May have been the majority. As far as killing at the Capitol invasion tell me how many were physically killed by the Capitol intruders? You keep talking about trying to overthrow the government but that's just silly. How pray tell would they have been able to overthrow the government? You said it, please explain?


Inordinately Right
I'm sure federal law enforcement comprised of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents will get out to Portland , Minneapolis or wherever their presence is required in response to last summer's riots.
Right now however they are going after the capital rioters picking them off one at a time, taking them in booking them on federal charges and jailing many of them. It's going be easy work packing them away because it's all there in living color and even the best public defenders can't bull feces their way around it.
Unlike you Democrats, I don't support violent riots. It's a shame you're such a hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
Meanwhile Kamala Harris participated in getting last summer's rioters off scot free and no one is being charged.

Democrat governors and mayors refused to stop the destruction. EVERY last one of THEM. We Republicans supported the right of protesters being at the Capitol Jan. 6th but very few people approved of invading the Capitol. Note most protesters there didn't enter the Capitol building. So again you're distorting the truth.
Harris issued a tweet in support of an effort to raise bail money . Of the 170 arrested bail was set at a high of $78 to a low of $10 while others were released on their own recognizance which was most of them. While at the Capital roughly 400 of the estimated 800 who breached capital security boundaries have been identified, apprehended and booked with possible charges of sedition gaining traction.
Law enforcement is sending a clear message to those who may be considering launching a second attack and that message is that you cannot attack the US Capital with impunity. It will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. And they don't give a flying face fornication about how good your skills as a corporate and political apologist might be. The same holds true with the city rioters. Questions of whether jurisdiction over the matter rests with federal, state or local law enforcement will be determined and handled accordingly.

But as for the assault on the capital.... there's absolutely no doubt about whose jurisdiction this matter lies with.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
See what I mean. You dig up whatever old piece of ancient text you need from whichever version you need and there are THOUSANDS OF THEM and use it to support whatever point of view you want it to without offering a single scrap of evidence in support of the meaning you claim it represents.
Dmac1 introduced Jesus into the conversation. I merely pointed out what Scripture records Jesus words on the subject. If you know of any other resource on the subject, please share.