Stupid arguments about the Ground business model


Inordinately Right
You do understand that we're not going so much on tax revenue now as we are on just printing trillions of dollars? And you do understand that corporations don't ever really pay taxes? That no matter what they pay the government they pass that cost to the consumer? So who ultimately pays in your scenario? However, as happened every time it's been done in the past, Federal revenue actually increased after Trump's cuts. As John friend. Kennedy himself stated, the resulting financial and commercial activity that results when people see the opportunity to keep more of what they make always results in more revenue for the government. But tax and spend liberals also want the control that goes along with high taxes. You never learn.
These idiot neomarxists don't believe money is real, modern monetary theory is going to bring utopia!


Well-Known Member
Of course you bring up racism because it's your only go to. In last summer's riots many who were doing the burning and physical attacks were white. May have been the majority. As far as killing at the Capitol invasion tell me how many were physically killed by the Capitol intruders? You keep talking about trying to overthrow the government but that's just silly. How pray tell would they have been able to overthrow the government? You said it, please explain?
But you keep excusing the white rioters by saying it is okay because some black tioters were violent. One DOES NOT excuse the other, no matter how hard you try. But you have chosen to defend the white rioters and strongly attack the black rioters. Show me one previous post with ANY harsh words against the white invaders. And your boy Trump once stated he would pay the legal fees for anyone arrested for physically assaulting anti-Trump people, but you hate on the VP for bailing out innocent people who committed no violent acts.


Well-Known Member
But you keep excusing the white rioters by saying it is okay because some black tioters were violent. One DOES NOT excuse the other, no matter how hard you try. But you have chosen to defend the white rioters and strongly attack the black rioters. Show me one previous post with ANY harsh words against the white invaders. And your boy Trump once stated he would pay the legal fees for anyone arrested for physically assaulting anti-Trump people, but you hate on the VP for bailing out innocent people who committed no violent acts.
They bailed out people who not only committed violent acts but went on to commit more. And as I've already pointed out many, if not the majority, of rioters last summer were white. You're the one framing this in terms of race. I have merely pointed out in terms of violence and destruction what happened at the Capitol was a fraction of what happened in last summer's riots. Yet y'all sweep it under the rug.


Well-Known Member
Post a quote where any leader of the democratic party or spokesman for the democratic party supported ANY violence. Prove you are not a liar.
Refusing to stop the riots by Democratic mayors and governors is the same as giving support. A lot of it was a calculation that it could hurt Trump's re-election chances.


Well-Known Member
You do understand that we're not going so much on tax revenue now as we are on just printing trillions of dollars? And you do understand that corporations don't ever really pay taxes? That no matter what they pay the government they pass that cost to the consumer? So who ultimately pays in your scenario? However, as happened every time it's been done in the past, Federal revenue actually increased after Trump's cuts. As John friend. Kennedy himself stated, the resulting financial and commercial activity that results when people see the opportunity to keep more of what they make always results in more revenue for the government. But tax and spend liberals also want the control that goes along with high taxes. You never learn.
Again you missed the entire point. Probably too complex because it took more than 4 word to explain. With the tax cut, more of the current spending is paid for by working class people. And with the debt growing, more interest is owed, with the middle class owing more and more. And When the debt is finally starting to be paid off, the working class will own a much larger share. The entire country suffers when the debt is added too, except now the corporations are paying less than imagined when the debt was created. If corporations are paying so much less, and the wealthy are paying so much less, just who does little vantexan think is going to make up the difference?????

Tax and spend liberals- like Reagan, who got the ball rolling on sustained deficits???? Or GW, who never saw a program he didn't like, as long as it went to Big Oil or Defense contractors??? Or are you talking about Trump- who increased the deficit and debt every year while claiming the economy was doing so great???? Or are you talking about the liberal Bill Clinton, who eliminated the deficit???? Or about Obama, who cut it by more than half after the Bush recession/depression????? Does that even sink into your head?????

And federal revenue has increased every time there was a tax increase. In fact, federal revenue only seems to drop during republican recessions!!!!!! And those recessions occur after massive tax CUTS. So I can easily claim that large tax cuts cause recessions.


Well-Known Member
She wouldn't act that way if she was a Republican.
If she was a republican, she would be trying to stay in office by stopping black people from voting, or even handing out water to voters who need to wait in lines, that occur much more often at understaffed black polling locations.


Well-Known Member
You can twist things any way you like. You can try to marginalize people by attacking them personally. But it's already accepted fact that last summer's riots cost over $2 billion in damage, took almost three dozen lives, and injured, many seriously, thousands of people including over 1000 cops. And anyone can see reading your posts you're filled with rage.


Well-Known Member
You can twist things any way you like. You can try to marginalize people by attacking them personally. But it's already accepted fact that last summer's riots cost over $2 billion in damage, took almost three dozen lives, and injured, many seriously, thousands of people including over 1000 cops. And anyone can see reading your posts you're filled with rage.
Your the one who placed blame on democrats for not stopping the riots. So according to you, Trump is to blame for not stopping the capitol riots. You can't have it both ways, boy.


Well-Known Member
You can twist things any way you like. You can try to marginalize people by attacking them personally. But it's already accepted fact that last summer's riots cost over $2 billion in damage, took almost three dozen lives, and injured, many seriously, thousands of people including over 1000 cops. And anyone can see reading your posts you're filled with rage.
Pointing out the pure stupidity of what you post is not a personal attack. Have you ever studied our learned any debating techniques??? When you say something stupid, as you often do, I merely point it out for everyone. You may not like it, but it isn't personal.


Well-Known Member
Again you missed the entire point. Probably too complex because it took more than 4 word to explain. With the tax cut, more of the current spending is paid for by working class people. And with the debt growing, more interest is owed, with the middle class owing more and more. And When the debt is finally starting to be paid off, the working class will own a much larger share. The entire country suffers when the debt is added too, except now the corporations are paying less than imagined when the debt was created. If corporations are paying so much less, and the wealthy are paying so much less, just who does little vantexan think is going to make up the difference?????

Tax and spend liberals- like Reagan, who got the ball rolling on sustained deficits???? Or GW, who never saw a program he didn't like, as long as it went to Big Oil or Defense contractors??? Or are you talking about Trump- who increased the deficit and debt every year while claiming the economy was doing so great???? Or are you talking about the liberal Bill Clinton, who eliminated the deficit???? Or about Obama, who cut it by more than half after the Bush recession/depression????? Does that even sink into your head?????

And federal revenue has increased every time there was a tax increase. In fact, federal revenue only seems to drop during republican recessions!!!!!! And those recessions occur after massive tax CUTS. So I can easily claim that large tax cuts cause recessions.
You still don't get it. Corporations don't really pay taxes. No matter the rate their costs are passed on to consumers. The wealthy have always had tax shelters and loopholes for avoiding taxes. You think you're sticking it to the man but high taxes only sticks it to you. And now with all the printing of trillions of dollars we're on our way to high inflation. And yes Republicans are culpable too but in your partisan mind you think only Republicans are at fault. As for Bill Clinton the budget was balanced by Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress. Clinton was messing up so badly in his first two years that Republicans took control of Congress for the first time after 40 years of total Democratic control. You've already proven with the Romans that history isn't your strong suit. But keep talking. It's enjoyable watching you expose your lack of knowledge while ridiculing others.


Well-Known Member
Your the one who placed blame on democrats for not stopping the riots. So according to you, Trump is to blame for not stopping the capitol riots. You can't have it both ways, boy.
The riots took place in Democratic controlled cities. They would not have been tolerated in red states. And many believe it was a political calculation to hurt Trump and Republicans with the election coming up.


Well-Known Member
You still don't get it. Corporations don't really pay taxes. No matter the rate their costs are passed on to consumers. The wealthy have always had tax shelters and loopholes for avoiding taxes. You think you're sticking it to the man but high taxes only sticks it to you. And now with all the printing of trillions of dollars we're on our way to high inflation. And yes Republicans are culpable too but in your partisan mind you think only Republicans are at fault. As for Bill Clinton the budget was balanced by Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress. Clinton was messing up so badly in his first two years that Republicans took control of Congress for the first time after 40 years of total Democratic control. You've already proven with the Romans that history isn't your strong suit. But keep talking. It's enjoyable watching you expose your lack of knowledge while ridiculing others.
Most middle class consumers purchase much less than the wealthy. I purchase nothing from investment firms, so would not be hurt at all if they were taxed fairly.

If Bill Clinton .messed up. so badly, he would have lost in his re-election effort, just like Trump.

Here's a little history lesson for you. The sun may have fried your brain during history class down in Texass or maybe your religious leaders and teachers lied to you. This was as early as 200 BC- as in 200 years BEFORE Christ, and was nearly complete before Christianity took hold anywhere..

Between 200 BC and 14 AD, Rome conquered most of Western Europe, Greece and the Balkans, the Middle East, and North Africa.

THEY- not Christians- civilized it by bringing their form of law and order to the far reaches of Europe


Well-Known Member

Trump tolerated it.
When Trump sent Federal agents to protect the Federal courthouse in Portland the mayor claimed his city had been invaded. Presidents aren't all powerful. Trump could have declared martial law under the Insurrection Act but there would have been Federal troops at his behest cracking down on minority protesters with the liberal press gleefully snapping pics. The election was coming up and that's exactly the kind of political drama Democrats wanted. And that Trump had to dance around. But first and foremost it was the responsibility of the mayors and governors. The Federal government generally has to be invited in, just as in natural disasters too.


Well-Known Member
Most middle class consumers purchase much less than the wealthy. I purchase nothing from investment firms, so would not be hurt at all if they were taxed fairly.

If Bill Clinton .messed up. so badly, he would have lost in his re-election effort, just like Trump.

Here's a little history lesson for you. The sun may have fried your brain during history class down in Texass or maybe your religious leaders and teachers lied to you. This was as early as 200 BC- as in 200 years BEFORE Christ, and was nearly complete before Christianity took hold anywhere..

Between 200 BC and 14 AD, Rome conquered most of Western Europe, Greece and the Balkans, the Middle East, and North Africa.

THEY- not Christians- civilized it by bringing their form of law and order to the far reaches of Europe
There are a lot more middle class taxpayers than the wealthy which is why taxes fall mainly on the middle class.

And if you knew about Bill Clinton, you would know that he hired a Republican campaign strategist, Dick Morris, for his reelection bid. Morris advised him to go center-right and claim all Republican issues as his own. The economy was heating up with the bubble, the Republicans had been running Congress well for two years, and Monica Lewinsky hadn't become an issue yet.

I'm well aware of what Rome did. And as I pointed out Christianity spread throughout the empire, the empire broke up into many nations that were Christian in beliefs, and how they based their systems of jurisprudence was based on the laws given in the Bible which at one time for millennia was fervently followed. Not discounting Rome's role at all, it was instrumental in the spread of Christianity. Your denials are based on hatred of Christianity, but scholars, historians of every ilk disagree with you. Today's deniers of history really aren't any different than the various fascist groups in the last century who burned books. Heaven help us if you get power over the country.


Inordinately Right
Post a quote where any leader of the democratic party or spokesman for the democratic party supported ANY violence. Prove you are not a liar.
Lol, now you're getting very specific with your demands in order to deflect. Like I said, Democrats supported the riots. That's a fact.