Stupid arguments about the Ground business model


Well-Known Member
“ Qui tacet consentit “
A sorry attempt to backpedal .
What has changed is the emergence of an equally radical Democrat party and you are clearly shocked to have been introduced to them along with how far they are willing to go to advance their own radical agenda.

That's why you keep deflecting from the hundreds of violent BLM riots by crying about the one riot on January 6.
I am not shocked because I was alive in the 1960's nor am I deflecting. What I pointed out WEEKS ago is that there is NO SEPARATION between BLM, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and Antifa or any other group or groups that plan promote and use violence as a way to promote an agenda. yet you people continue with your pathetic attempts to absolve those responsible for the Capital riots .


Inordinately Right
What I pointed out WEEKS ago is that there is NO SEPARATION between BLM, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and Antifa or any other group or groups that plan promote and use violence as a way to promote an agenda.
The difference is every Republican condemns violence and radicalism, while Democrats either support or pretend it doesn't exist on their side.

You people continue with your pathetic attempts to absolve those responsible for the BLM riots .


Well-Known Member
The difference is every Republican condemns violence and radicalism, while Democrats either support or pretend it doesn't exist on their side.

You people continue with your pathetic attempts to absolve those responsible for the BLM riots .
And you're obviously trying to do the same in behalf of the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and all the other extremist groups that were well represented at the Capital on 1-6 but it's not going to do you any good.
In the meantime I will do exactly same thing when it comes to both the city riots the Capital riot. I will entrust law enforcement agencies whichever one has jurisdiction in those cases whether it's local, state or federal to use the powers afforded them to investigate, apprehend and prosecute those charged.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Show me one of my previous posts where I called for an exemption or exoneration of the city rioters? As I said before. You cannot feel one way about the city riots and another way about the Capital riots which is exactly what you DIDO and Tex seek to do. The level to which each individual's crime in both incidents rises to based on the evidence will be determined and charged accordingly.
Show me one of my previous posts where I defended the Capitol rioters.

I only pointed out the double standard of those who condemned it while remaining silent, or even applauding, the BLM riots.


Well-Known Member
Show me one of my previous posts where I defended the Capitol rioters.

I only pointed out the double standard of those who condemned it while remaining silent, or even applauding, the BLM riots.
I looked into you guys grievances regarding to the Portland riots. Multnomah County District Attorney Michael Schmidt stated that he would prosecute only those who have been charged with the most serious offenses because he did not have the money or manpower to prosecute them all. I suppose that in you guy's minds it's his fault that he wasn't allocated enough money to fully prosecute an event this large. Of the arrests made by federal agents more than 70% of them were misdemeanors that did not rise to the federal level. An interesting demographic. Of those who were arrested and charged ... 78% of them are white.


Inordinately Right
District Attorney Michael Schmidt stated that he would prosecute only those who have been charged with the most serious offenses because he did not have the money or manpower to prosecute them all. I suppose that in you guy's minds it's his fault that he wasn't allocated enough money
Do you get all your BS talking points from National Pubic Radio?



Well-Known Member
When Trump sent Federal agents to protect the Federal courthouse in Portland the mayor claimed his city had been invaded. Presidents aren't all powerful. Trump could have declared martial law under the Insurrection Act but there would have been Federal troops at his behest cracking down on minority protesters with the liberal press gleefully snapping pics. The election was coming up and that's exactly the kind of political drama Democrats wanted. And that Trump had to dance around. But first and foremost it was the responsibility of the mayors and governors. The Federal government generally has to be invited in, just as in natural disasters too.
You STILL think that protesters in Portland protesting police brutality are the same as people literally erecting gallows at the capitol to hang those who were actually doing official government business, and trying to stop the election certification from moving forward as required.

And I suppose you believe that some kid stealing a candy bar is as serious as Bernie Madoff stealing $50 billion.


Well-Known Member
There are a lot more middle class taxpayers than the wealthy which is why taxes fall mainly on the middle class.

And if you knew about Bill Clinton, you would know that he hired a Republican campaign strategist, Dick Morris, for his reelection bid. Morris advised him to go center-right and claim all Republican issues as his own. The economy was heating up with the bubble, the Republicans had been running Congress well for two years, and Monica Lewinsky hadn't become an issue yet.

I'm well aware of what Rome did. And as I pointed out Christianity spread throughout the empire, the empire broke up into many nations that were Christian in beliefs, and how they based their systems of jurisprudence was based on the laws given in the Bible which at one time for millennia was fervently followed. Not discounting Rome's role at all, it was instrumental in the spread of Christianity. Your denials are based on hatred of Christianity, but scholars, historians of every ilk disagree with you. Today's deniers of history really aren't any different than the various fascist groups in the last century who burned books. Heaven help us if you get power over the country.
Now you are trying to back out of your claim that christians spread civilization. They took advantage of Roman civilization to spread their religion, using Roman built roads, , and when Rome declined, without Romans, Europe went through the dark ages. I care little if 'christian' scholars like to believe cgristianity is what has made the world such a great and peaceful place for the last 2000 years.


Well-Known Member
Lol, now you're getting very specific with your demands in order to deflect. Like I said, Democrats supported the riots. That's a fact.
The only fact is that you are claiming without proof that democrats support rioting. Republicans support overthrowing the government by a much larger % of them than democrats support rioting. I can make up smilet just like you do.


Well-Known Member
Did the Capitol rioters hit the police with bricks? Set fires? Shoot anyone? Occupy an area of the Capitol and refuse to leave for weeks? What they did was absolutely wrong but you make it like it was much, much worse than anything the BLM protesters did.
There is video showing protesters striking cops with metal posts, baton, shields, anything they could get their hands on. I don't know if bricks were specifically used, but only you would think that matters.
Which is it?
Put the goalposts down little lady.
It can be both, clown- both ceremonial and required. The State of the Union speech is required and ceremonial also.


Well-Known Member
The difference is every Republican condemns violence and radicalism, while Democrats either support or pretend it doesn't exist on their side.

You people continue with your pathetic attempts to absolve those responsible for the BLM riots .
Republicans condemn violence while perpetuating it.


Well-Known Member
Do you get all your BS talking points from National Pubic Radio?

View attachment 332883
Did you think that I didn't see that Schmidt won the Multnomah County DA's race with a 3-1 majority. If they don't want the guy around when his term ends, they'll vote him out of office. It's as simple as that. Are you a registered voter living in Multnomah County?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I looked into you guys grievances regarding to the Portland riots. Multnomah County District Attorney Michael Schmidt stated that he would prosecute only those who have been charged with the most serious offenses because he did not have the money or manpower to prosecute them all. I suppose that in you guy's minds it's his fault that he wasn't allocated enough money to fully prosecute an event this large. Of the arrests made by federal agents more than 70% of them were misdemeanors that did not rise to the federal level. An interesting demographic. Of those who were arrested and charged ... 78% of them are white.
Well, okay!

I see absolutely no correlation between my challenge and your response, but you just keep on being the bacha we’ve come to know and dismiss.


Well-Known Member
No I did not. Just as Trump continues to refuse to accept the fact that he lost you refuse to accept the fact that your side has conclusively shown it's willingness to take the law into their own hands in an attempt to transform history into a version they are comfortable with. And all of your "whataboutisms" and skills as a political apologist will not allow the perpetrators to escape justice.

Yes, there are radical elements on the left. They've been there for decades. What has changed is the emergence of an equally radical political right and you are clearly shocked to have been introduced to them along with how far they are willing to go to advance their own radical agenda.
What radical agenda? Seriously, what exactly is the Right doing that in your estimation is radical?


Well-Known Member
You STILL think that protesters in Portland protesting police brutality are the same as people literally erecting gallows at the capitol to hang those who were actually doing official government business, and trying to stop the election certification from moving forward as required.

And I suppose you believe that some kid stealing a candy bar is as serious as Bernie Madoff stealing $50 billion.
The gallows were symbolic. No one attempted to hang anyone. But in Portland and elsewhere people were killed. Businesses looted and burned. Police struck with bricks. And yet you minimize that.


Well-Known Member
Now you are trying to back out of your claim that christians spread civilization. They took advantage of Roman civilization to spread their religion, using Roman built roads, , and when Rome declined, without Romans, Europe went through the dark ages. I care little if 'christian' scholars like to believe cgristianity is what has made the world such a great and peaceful place for the last 2000 years.


Inordinately Right
Did you think that I didn't see that Schmidt won the Multnomah County DA's race with a 3-1 majority. If they don't want the guy around when his term ends, they'll vote him out of office. It's as simple as that. Are you a registered voter living in Multnomah County?
I proved he was an antifa sympathizer that's why he isn't prosecuting.

Now you're deflecting saying it's okay that he's choosing not to prosecute because the majority of Democrats there support him not prosecuting.

Were you trying to prove my point?
Democrats support violent rioting, glad we finally agree on that.