Stupid arguments about the Ground business model


Well-Known Member
Prove me wrong then. Why let facts get in the way of your ideology?
Reality isn’t an ideology. You made the claim that a lopsided election was stolen or rigged. The burden is on you to prove your ridiculous claim, not on me to disprove it. Come on. Show me some proof.


Well-Known Member
Reality isn’t an ideology. You made the claim that a lopsided election was stolen or rigged. The burden is on you to prove your ridiculous claim, not on me to disprove it. Come on. Show me some proof.
Lopsided? Trump still got about 75 million. More than Obama ever did. There were so many weird things happening that of course most Trump supporters felt some of the states had things rigged. But you're deflecting. The new law in Georgia isn't what you claim it to be. No matter what I believe about the election in November the Georgia law is just one of many that are coming that will tighten things up a bit. Democrats might actually have to campaign on issues instead of cheating to win.


Well-Known Member
Lopsided? Trump still got about 75 million. More than Obama ever did. There were so many weird things happening that of course most Trump supporters felt some of the states had things rigged. But you're deflecting. The new law in Georgia isn't what you claim it to be. No matter what I believe about the election in November the Georgia law is just one of many that are coming that will tighten things up a bit. Democrats might actually have to campaign on issues instead of cheating to win.
Well.....they didn’t cheat to win. Disenfranchising millions of voters to flip your state back to red is literally cheating to win, but don’t let truth get in the way of your fantasy. And yeah. It was lopsided. Trump got 75 million. And Biden got almost 82. Don’t believe it? Don’t care. Enjoy your fairy tales.


Well-Known Member
Well.....they didn’t cheat to win. Disenfranchising millions of voters to flip your state back to red is literally cheating to win, but don’t let truth get in the way of your fantasy. And yeah. It was lopsided. Trump got 75 million. And Biden got almost 82. Don’t believe it? Don’t care. Enjoy your fairy tales.
Who is getting disenfranchised? Same rules apply to everyone. Can't imagine why having to produce I.D. upsets Democrats so.


Well-Known Member
There is no evidence of voter disenfranchisement.
You radical far left wingers need to stop pushing those disproven conspiracy theories.
Disproven by whom? Fox? Newsmax? OAN? Which false source of information disproved anything? Just because you believe literal fake news doesn’t make it authoritative to anyone with a brain.


Inordinately Right
Disproven by whom? Fox? Newsmax? OAN? Which false source of information disproved anything? Just because you believe literal fake news doesn’t make it authoritative to anyone with a brain.
You're welcome to present your list of names of people who have been disenfranchised. Go ahead my radical far left friend, let's see the list.


Well-Known Member
You're welcome to present your list of names of people who have been disenfranchised. Go ahead my radical far left friend, let's see the list.
Yeah, I don’t have a list to Georgia’s voter registry. Do you? Want to share some of your fake news sources that supposedly disproved that people are being disenfranchised and/or having their votes suppressed? Which one do you have for me? Newsmax? OAN?


Well-Known Member
Show me one of my previous posts where I defended the Capitol rioters.

I only pointed out the double standard of those who condemned it while remaining silent, or even applauding, the BLM riots.
Equating the Capitol invasion with riots resulting from protest over police violence IS trying to excuse the invasion. The two are at such different threat levels to the country, and you try to excuseone because it is superficially similar. If you honestly believe that they have the same meaning, you shouldn't be allowed to vote due to mental deficiency.


Well-Known Member
The gallows were symbolic. No one attempted to hang anyone. But in Portland and elsewhere people were killed. Businesses looted and burned. Police struck with bricks. And yet you minimize that.
Where did I minimize it???? You saying it doesn't make it true. The right seems to believe that as soon as something is stated, it must be true. They believe everything on any social media or any of the right wing conspiracy channels on TV


Well-Known Member
I proved he was an antifa sympathizer that's why he isn't prosecuting.

Now you're deflecting saying it's okay that he's choosing not to prosecute because the majority of Democrats there support him not prosecuting.

Were you trying to prove my point?
Democrats support violent rioting, glad we finally agree on that.
You proved nothing


Well-Known Member
Where did I minimize it???? You saying it doesn't make it true. The right seems to believe that as soon as something is stated, it must be true. They believe everything on any social media or any of the right wing conspiracy channels on TV
Yup. The people who scream the loudest about fake news think that a meme is a citation. They like to say “dO yOuR rEsEaRCH” before they share a debunked story from Breitbart or a link to Hannity. Truly cult followers.


Well-Known Member
Who are being suppressed? Surely you believe having an official I.D. to vote is necessary?
The constitution gives citizens the absolute right to vote, and does not have any mention of requiring an ID. However, the 2nd amendment does call for regulation of arms sales. Taking someone's ability to vote away because they don't have ID is unconstitutional. It is clear from those facts that is is thus incumbent upon the state to prove someone is NOT qualified to vote before they can be stopped. It is just like innocent until proven guilty. You are innocent of voter fraud until proven guilty, and are NOT required to incriminate yourself by supplying the state with any evidence. You have the same right to vote as you have to life itself.