Stupid arguments about the Ground business model


Well-Known Member
Come out of your white privileged, Fox News educated world and reread the last line of what you said. How exactly is someone who lives in an inner city with no car supposed to just go out and “get an id?” You said it’s easy. What’s the solution?
They're able to go and stand in long lines to vote but not to a government office to get an I.D.? There's absolutely nothing that requires an I.D. that they ever do? Rent a car? Fly on a plane? Get a motel room? Go to the doctor? Fill a prescription? The list is endless.


Well-Known Member
Come out of your white privileged, Fox News educated world and reread the last line of what you said. How exactly is someone who lives in an inner city with no car supposed to just go out and “get an id?” You said it’s easy. What’s the solution?
You know, organizers get out the vote all the time. They give rides to polling stations. A lot was made recently of all that Stacey Abrams did to get out the black vote. Yet somehow they can't give rides to government agencies to get people I.D.'s so that they can vote? Do you not realize how ludicrous this all is? Of course you do. Requiring I.D. prevents fraud and that's the last thing Democrats want.


Well-Known Member
Georgia voters aren't being suppressed. And Planned Parenthood isn't guaranteed support. Have yet to see a bill seeking to overturn Roe v. Wade. Only parts of the ACA have been stopped i.e. forcing people to pay a penalty. Now let's compare all that with forcing boys being allowed to share girls locker rooms. The New Green Deal. Letting illegal immigrants flood the border. Shutting down oil drilling on Federal land. The massive new tax bill. Radicalism belongs to the Left.
If everything about the US is as bad as you claim and given the fear factors I suggest that you make Mexico your permanent residence provided that the drug cartels will leave you alone because you would die from sheer terror if you were to return.


Well-Known Member
If everything about the US is as bad as you claim and given the fear factors I suggest that you make Mexico your permanent residence provided that the drug cartels will leave you alone because you would die from sheer terror if you were to return.
As if the drug cartels are roaming around looking for Americans to mess with. And if people like you have your way it would be sheer terror to return.


Well-Known Member
I proved he was an antifa sympathizer that's why he isn't prosecuting.

Now you're deflecting saying it's okay that he's choosing not to prosecute because the majority of Democrats there support him not prosecuting.

Were you trying to prove my point?
Democrats support violent rioting, glad we finally agree on that.
More of your tired talk that doesn't mean a thing. If the voters of the county don't like the way he carries out his duties they can simply vote him out. But, if they decide to retain him.... just what are you going to do about it?


Well-Known Member
As if the drug cartels are roaming around looking for Americans to mess with. And if people like you have your way it would be sheer terror to return.
And that's exactly why I'm telling you not to come back. Oh, it's going to be terrible, just terrible! (lmao).


Well-Known Member
More of your tired talk that doesn't mean a thing. If the voters of the county don't like the way he carries out his duties they can simply vote him out. But, if they decide to retain him.... just what are you going to do about it?
It's a very Democratic county. If they vote him out it'll be due to incompetence. So expect him to do a lot of ass kissing before the next election.


Inordinately Right
Multnomah County District Attorney Michael Schmidt stated that he would prosecute only those who have been charged with the most serious offenses because he did not have the money or manpower to prosecute them all. I suppose that in you guy's minds it's his fault that he wasn't allocated enough money
If the voters of the county don't like the way he carries out his duties they can simply vote him out. But, if they decide to retain him.... just what are you going to do about it?
So we said Democrats aren't prosecuting because they're okay with crime from the left.
You post some lie about him not having enough money.

You were proven wrong. Now you say it's okay because Democrats are okay with crime from the left.

You did a lot of dancing to agree with us that Democrats are okay with crime from the left.


Well-Known Member
And one of the ways to prove eligibility is by checking I.D.
You should not be required to prove eligibility any more than having to prove innocence. The state should have to prove you are ineligible before not counting your vote. You have the right- you shouldn't need to prove it. Just like you have the right to travel freely, or assemble peacefully- you do not need to prove that you have those rights or supply ID to do any of that.


Well-Known Member
Poll taxes applied to everyone. Do I need to explain why that wasn’t cool?
The new requirement being considered or possibly passed that an absentee ballot be witnessed by a notary IS a poll tax that affects those who are the poorest and may have have transportation to a notary public or to the polling place. Making the poorest citizens spend money they don't have to cast their vote is anti-American, and because minorities have a much higher rate of poverty, it affects minorities to a much higher level, which makes it a racist policy. ANY policy that negatively affects a minority to a larger extent IS racist. That is what the right refuses to admit. They will say that 'it applies to white people too, so it isn't racist' which just proves their ignorance.


Well-Known Member
Georgia voters aren't being suppressed. And Planned Parenthood isn't guaranteed support. Have yet to see a bill seeking to overturn Roe v. Wade. Only parts of the ACA have been stopped i.e. forcing people to pay a penalty. Now let's compare all that with forcing boys being allowed to share girls locker rooms. The New Green Deal. Letting illegal immigrants flood the border. Shutting down oil drilling on Federal land. The massive new tax bill. Radicalism belongs to the Left.
Giving mega(MAGA) corporations the 'right' to take the nation's publicly owned natural resources and profit from them to distribute to those wealthier individuals is NOT conservative- that is radical capitalism at it's worst.. Where are boys 'forced' to share locker rooms with girls????? On FOX tv maybe, or in Hannity's and your perverted minds???? That has nothing to do with the left. The 'Green New Deal' is a goal of some on the left, and is an admirable goal- trying to improve the planet for everyone. It is radical capitalism that wants no limits on what they can do, as long as they can profit from it. If you had a clue about the green new deal, you would probably agree with it, but again, FOX and Hannity attached it to AOC, and you MUST hate anything related to AOC and Pelosi, even if it creates tens of millions of new jobs that pay higher and are healthier than oil drilling and coal mining, and will help slow or stop climate changes from getting even worse. The radical right capitalists are against world peace because it will put thousands of people out of work in the defense industry. That is how radical the right is. Even in times of relative peace, they want to constantly increase the spending on war.