Stupid arguments about the Ground business model


Well-Known Member
I'm saying based on your many posts that if you are a Christian you have a fundamental misunderstanding of Christianity. You're a hater, a wolf in sheep's clothing if you're claiming to be a Christian.
Coming from someone who hates Antifa supporters, hates AOC, hates Nancy Pelosi, hates Obama, hates, hates, hates, it is just sad.


Well-Known Member
There's nothing in this new bill that's remotely comparable to a poll tax. Y'all claimed they aren't allowing food and drink in line. Not so. Y'all claim they restricted hours available to vote on Sundays. Not true. So let's get to the meat of the matter. It's requiring official government issued I.D. That applies to everyone and to suggest blacks don't have I.D. is ludicrous because how else do they operate in this country where just about everything important requires an I.D.? And as usual there's an easy fix for the few people who don't have I.D. but are raring to vote....go get an I.D.!!! And that applies to all racial groups.
This is the actual text of the law-
"(a) No person shall solicit votes in any manner or by any means or method, nor shall any

person distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give,

or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and

drink, to an elector, nor shall any person solicit signatures for any petition, nor shall any

person, other than election officials discharging their duties, establish or set up any tables

or booths on any day in which ballots are being cast

(1) Within 150 feet of the outer edge of any building within which a polling place is

(2) Within any polling place; or

(3) Within 25 feet of any voter standing in line to vote at any polling place."

Says "nor shall 'any person'... offer to give and drink.. within 25 feet of any voter."

It was so easy to check, but you just believe whatever dear leader at FOX tells you to believe without EVER checking for yourself. Your failure to check makes you look very stupid when you declare how great you are. "Any person" is not limited to party members.

I should not need to keep educating you over and over. You need to start checking everything you think is right, because most of it is wrong, clearly.


Well-Known Member
Come out of your white privileged, Fox News educated world and reread the last line of what you said. How exactly is someone who lives in an inner city with no car supposed to just go out and “get an id?” You said it’s easy. What’s the solution?
I have a 92 year old frail black woman who lives next door to me, and without her family, she would not be able to meet the requirements of the new laws.


Well-Known Member
Have grasped history for close to 50 years now. Favorite subject.
You don't even grasp the meaning of no person shall hand out food and water to anyone in line. Nor can you admit that Romans were spreading civilization to Europe before Christ was even born, nor did you know that the deductibles under the ACA don't even apply to most medical care. You were crying about lack of access due to 'high deductibles' which is just ignorant, so of course you do not grasp history, or even much of the present. As long as you stay locked in you right wing bubble, you are only getting a partial, extremely limited eductaion, and apparently, maybe your religious learnings have been limited. If you really believe christians spread civilization, and the world was uncivilized before christians, you were short changed by your education. I hope you did not pay for ANY of your education, becuase if you did, you were cheated.


Well-Known Member
You think blacks are too stupid to be able to get a photo id. You need to come out of your racist elitist NPR bubble.
My 92 year old neighbor is a frail black woman, and has no way to get a photo ID on her own. So according to the radical right, she can't vote. If you think that being 'stupid' is the only reason someone can't get an ID, it makes you the stupid one.


Well-Known Member
You know, organizers get out the vote all the time. They give rides to polling stations. A lot was made recently of all that Stacey Abrams did to get out the black vote. Yet somehow they can't give rides to government agencies to get people I.D.'s so that they can vote? Do you not realize how ludicrous this all is? Of course you do. Requiring I.D. prevents fraud and that's the last thing Democrats want.
So a poor black frail woman is required to depend on the good will of others to cast a vote. Exactly what the constitution says.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
A well regulated militia is the reason arms are not restricted. That means that if you aren't part of a militia, you have no right to buy.

You should really educate yourself.

It says that since a well regulated militia is necessary to defend the nation, that the citizenry has the right to bear arms to defend themselves against the well armed government.

Go check the history of the Founding Fathers and you will understand their mindset, then reread the Amendment again and the meaning will become clear.


Well-Known Member
That's just silly. The law specifically says water and food can't be handed out by partisan campaign workers within a certain distance of a polling station. It's to prevent campaign workers from trying to influence the vote. Voters are allowed to bring their own food and water, and can even have food and water delivered to them while in line. You are absolutely incorrect.
Having food delivered to them? Now how are you going to determine the the server is not a partisan campaign worker? Furthermore, making people go to the polls and then have to stand there for hours in the heat or pouring down rain is clearly an effort to keep them from the polls.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
This is the actual text of the law-
"(a) No person shall solicit votes in any manner or by any means or method, nor shall any

person distribute or display any campaign material, nor shall any person give, offer to give,

or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and

drink, to an elector, nor shall any person solicit signatures for any petition, nor shall any

person, other than election officials discharging their duties, establish or set up any tables

or booths on any day in which ballots are being cast

(1) Within 150 feet of the outer edge of any building within which a polling place is

(2) Within any polling place; or

(3) Within 25 feet of any voter standing in line to vote at any polling place."

Says "nor shall 'any person'... offer to give and drink.. within 25 feet of any voter."

It was so easy to check, but you just believe whatever dear leader at FOX tells you to believe without EVER checking for yourself. Your failure to check makes you look very stupid when you declare how great you are. "Any person" is not limited to party members.

I should not need to keep educating you over and over. You need to start checking everything you think is right, because most of it is wrong, clearly.
Your. ‘...’ says you haven’t quoted, thus are paraphrasing. It’s easy to win an argument when you’re not held to being factual.

You should opt for an MSM career.


Well-Known Member

You should really educate yourself.

It says that since a well regulated militia is necessary to defend the nation, that the citizenry has the right to bear arms to defend themselves against the well armed government.

Go check the history of the Founding Fathers and you will understand their mindset, then reread the Amendment again and the meaning will become clear.
The constitution say NOTHING about defending yourself from the government. As such a genius of history, you should know that. Instead you parrot back what Hannity tells you without bothering to even check for yourself. Pay attention to the comma and the words 'well regulated.'

2nd Amendment
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Put is this way- people have a right to be part of a 'well regulated' militia, and thus bear arms, because a militia is necessary. We have a militia- the US defense forces, and you have the right to join and bear arms. If they don't accept you because you are a right wing ignorant crazy, you can't bear arms.

There is NOTHING about defending yourself from the government. Maybe there is some right inferred in creating a separate 'well regulated' militia other that the government's militia, but I am sure any regulations imposed would restrict the right to attack the government. Sedition and attempted overthrow is a crime, and would not be a crime if any Tom, Dick, or vantexan had the right to bear arms to overthrow it. Your illogic is plain for all thinking people to see, which limits it to non-Trumpy to believe.


Well-Known Member
Having food delivered to them? Now how are you going to determine the the server is not a partisan campaign worker? Furthermore, making people go to the polls and then have to stand there for hours in the heat or pouring down rain is clearly an effort to keep them from the polls.
The law says NOTHING about poll workers- it clearly says '"Nor shall ANY person" distribute food or water to anyone in line. The idiots refused to even look up the law and relied solely on FOX to tell them what to believe.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
The constitution say NOTHING about defending yourself from the government. As such a genius of history, you should know that. Instead you parrot back what Hannity tells you without bothering to even check for yourself. Pay attention to the comma and the words 'well regulated.'

2nd Amendment
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Put is this way- people have a right to be part of a 'well regulated' militia, and thus bear arms, because a militia is necessary. We have a militia- the US defense forces, and you have the right to join and bear arms. If they don't accept you because you are a right wing ignorant crazy, you can't bear arms.

There is NOTHING about defending yourself from the government. Maybe there is some right inferred in creating a separate 'well regulated' militia other that the government's militia, but I am sure any regulations imposed would restrict the right to attack the government. Sedition and attempted overthrow is a crime, and would not be a crime if any Tom, Dick, or vantexan had the right to bear arms to overthrow it. Your illogic is plain for all thinking people to see, which limits it to non-Trumpy to believe.
In your world and explanation, anyone could form a well-regulated militia and thus bear arms.

You’re not a very able student of history. No wonder you’re so confused. And laughable.

And who is this Hannity person you speak of? One of your elementary teachers?


Well-Known Member
You should not be required to prove eligibility any more than having to prove innocence. The state should have to prove you are ineligible before not counting your vote. You have the right- you shouldn't need to prove it. Just like you have the right to travel freely, or assemble peacefully- you do not need to prove that you have those rights or supply ID to do any of that.
Unfortunately that's not the world we live in.


Well-Known Member
Having food delivered to them? Now how are you going to determine the the server is not a partisan campaign worker? Furthermore, making people go to the polls and then have to stand there for hours in the heat or pouring down rain is clearly an effort to keep them from the polls.
Whether people stand in heat or rain is a function of weather, not government. I know you think the government can control everything but not always.


Well-Known Member
The law says NOTHING about poll workers- it clearly says '"Nor shall ANY person" distribute food or water to anyone in line. The idiots refused to even look up the law and relied solely on FOX to tell them what to believe.
Got my info from Snopes, which most people acknowledge leans Left.


Well-Known Member
The constitution say NOTHING about defending yourself from the government. As such a genius of history, you should know that. Instead you parrot back what Hannity tells you without bothering to even check for yourself. Pay attention to the comma and the words 'well regulated.'

2nd Amendment
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Put is this way- people have a right to be part of a 'well regulated' militia, and thus bear arms, because a militia is necessary. We have a militia- the US defense forces, and you have the right to join and bear arms. If they don't accept you because you are a right wing ignorant crazy, you can't bear arms.

There is NOTHING about defending yourself from the government. Maybe there is some right inferred in creating a separate 'well regulated' militia other that the government's militia, but I am sure any regulations imposed would restrict the right to attack the government. Sedition and attempted overthrow is a crime, and would not be a crime if any Tom, Dick, or vantexan had the right to bear arms to overthrow it. Your illogic is plain for all thinking people to see, which limits it to non-Trumpy to believe.
At the time the Constitution was written people protected themselves from lawlessness or Indian attacks. Tell them they had no right to bear arms. Same concept today. By the time law enforcement arrives the worst is already over. Anyways SCOTUS has already determined that individuals have the right to own and carry guns. Your myopic view is just that, yours.