Supreme Court


Well-Known Member
Oh B.S., this is a last minute desperate attempt to derail his nomination, nothing more. The guy has operated with the highest integrity all these years, has multitudes of liberal law professors recommending him, yet the Left is so worried about a majority conservative court they'll try anything. The FBI is even declining to investigate. What this is, as Rush Limbaugh pointed out today, is an attempt to attach Kavanaugh to the #MeToo movement, thus destroying him. It's so blatantly obvious it's just pathetic. If this is what the Left will stoop to then they deserve a majority conservative court.
Just who are some of these liberal law professors? You want him in there because you think he'll vote to overturn Roe vs Wade. Nothing else matters to you Quite possibly but he might just vote to overturn social program legislation that could result in you having to go back to Bezerkistan permanently just to survive economically . Ever think about that possibility?


Well-Known Member
Oh B.S., this is a last minute desperate attempt to derail his nomination, nothing more. The guy has operated with the highest integrity all these years, has multitudes of liberal law professors recommending him, yet the Left is so worried about a majority conservative court they'll try anything. The FBI is even declining to investigate. What this is, as Rush Limbaugh pointed out today, is an attempt to attach Kavanaugh to the #MeToo movement, thus destroying him. It's so blatantly obvious it's just pathetic. If this is what the Left will stoop to then they deserve a majority conservative court.
I too, can provide a list of 65 girls I didn’t try to rape in high school.

Kavanaugh didn’t know 65 girls in high school. He went to a Catholic boy’s school.



golden ticket member
Sounds like he likes to grab pusillanimous like Drumpf. And this wasn't a simple lifting of the skirt. It was sexual assault and attempted rape.
lies don't count...….why didn't D.friend. bring this up in July when she got it? Why didn't she bring it up when she met with him twice? I'm surprised she didn't accuse him of a boob grab in her private office!!!


Well-Known Member
Just who are some of these liberal law professors? You want him in there because you think he'll vote to overturn Roe vs Wade. Nothing else matters to you Quite possibly but he might just vote to overturn social program legislation that could result in you having to go back to Bezerkistan permanently just to survive economically . Ever think about that possibility?
I didn't write down their names but have seen numerous professors at Harvard, Yale, and Georgetown recommend him. By the way Social Security has stood the test of time and isn't going to be overthrown. Scaremongering. And yes if THE COURT overturns Roe vs Wade that'll be fine with me.


Well-Known Member
You want him in there because you think he'll vote to overturn Roe vs Wade. Nothing else matters to you ?

snowflake crapped.jpg


Well-Known Member
Keep shaking your head, they tried the same on Clarence Thomas, a black man. The color of skin, black, the color you vigorously support. They were just successful with the same campaign against Roy Moore, Alabama (Crimson Tide), different color white guy. I have determined color doesn't mean as much to you as defeating a certain philosophy of what this country was and should be. I know who you are, not personally, but I know what makes you tick. What is your opinion of Lt. Colonel Allen West? Save your breath and keystrokes, I already know. For the record, his skin is black.


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
“I think it derailed me substantially for four or five years,” Ford told the Post of the alleged assault. She described the incident as a “rape attempt” during a therapy session in 2012, according to her therapist’s notes obtained by the Post.

Brett Kavanaugh Accuser Goes Public: 'I Thought He Might Inadvertently Kill Me'
I'm calling on the Russians to hack or steal the doctor's records. No reason to stop the Trump- Russian Conspiracy now, we aren't through making America great yet.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Amazing, yet a predictable move by the left.