Supreme Court


Well-Known Member
I think Jonesy answers the possible what happened but not the why . The only logical why is that feinstien does not believe the story and or she knows it wont hold water.
I disagree, she knows it's bs from day one, but knows how her mindless sheep will respond, when dealt, trying to force a delay or derail. Just my take. There is no honor among thieves.


Well-Known Member
I love a tent folder, please supply supporting facts on Moore.
I give you the results of the Alabama election. You have to try pretty hard as a Republican to lose an election in Alabama. Enough people believed the allegations that they stayed home. If you're approaching from the angle that we're always right, they're always wrong you're eventually going to get burned by one of your own. The difference between the two parties in the last 40 years, if not longer, is when a Republican gets caught with his pants down he quickly resigns with quick pressure from the leadership. When a Democrat gets exposed he basically says "so?" per Ted Kennedy and Barney Frank, amongst others.


Well-Known Member
You don’t seem to understand how this works,

One is allowed to call a public figure a name or a perforative, if you want to talk fancy. You can even accuse them of a crime, or accuse them of a crime, ie: Hillary.

You just cannot call a fellow forum member a name, or refer to them in a perjoratve.


Well-Known Member
I give you the results of the Alabama election. You have to try pretty hard as a Republican to lose an election in Alabama. Enough people believed the allegations that they stayed home. If you're approaching from the angle that we're always right, they're always wrong you're eventually going to get burned by one of your own. The difference between the two parties in the last 40 years, if not longer, is when a Republican gets caught with his pants down he quickly resigns with quick pressure from the leadership. When a Democrat gets exposed he basically says "so?" per Ted Kennedy and Barney Frank, amongst others.
Allegations from 40 years, no proof or corroborative evidence to be offered as proof. My point is, this road never ends, don't fold your tent.


Well-Known Member
You don’t seem to understand how this works,

One is allowed to call a public figure a name or a perforative, if you want to talk fancy. You can even accuse them of a crime, or accuse them of a crime, ie: Hillary.

You just cannot call a fellow forum member a name, or refer to them in a perjoratve.
Exactly how do you know what I said? Aren't you the one that has cautioned people of talking about those actions.


Staff member
Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) became the first Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee to suggest it delay moving forward with Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation amid allegations the judge sexually assaulted a woman as a teenager.
Flake, a member of the committee, said Sunday that he would not be “comfortable” moving forward now that Christine Blasey Ford has revealed herself as the woman behind a letter detailing the allegations.
“If they push forward without any attempt with hearing what she’s had to say, I’m not comfortable voting yes ... we need to hear from her,” Flake told Politico Sunday. “And I don’t think I’m alone in this.”

Jeff Flake Suggests Delaying Kavanaugh Vote Amid Sexual Assault Allegations


Well-Known Member
Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) became the first Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee to suggest it delay moving forward with Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation amid allegations the judge sexually assaulted a woman as a teenager.
Flake, a member of the committee, said Sunday that he would not be “comfortable” moving forward now that Christine Blasey Ford has revealed herself as the woman behind a letter detailing the allegations.
“If they push forward without any attempt with hearing what she’s had to say, I’m not comfortable voting yes ... we need to hear from her,” Flake told Politico Sunday. “And I don’t think I’m alone in this.”

Jeff Flake Suggests Delaying Kavanaugh Vote Amid Sexual Assault Allegations
Like that couldn't be anticipated.


Well-Known Member
I think Jonesy answers the possible what happened but not the why . The only logical why is that feinstien does not believe the story and or she knows it wont hold water.
Just as soon as I heard the "victim" is a California college professor I knew this was an attempt to save Roe vs Wade.


Well-Known Member
I guess I missed the link to the lies, I've :censored2: folks off demanding supporting documentation. Press them.

libs like to state fantasy as fact and hope no one challenges them on it. Kavanaugh has not lied under oath. if he had it would have been the gift the libs were looking for to derail his candidacy.


Well-Known Member
The Post said it reviewed notes from a couple's therapist that Ford visited that say she reported in 2012 she was attacked by students who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.” The paper said Ford’s attorney also provided the results of a polygraph exam that indicated she was being truthful.

Report: Christine Blasey Ford, Brett Kavanaugh’s Accuser, Passed Polygraph
Great, let my guy give her a polygraph.
What's the point or your angle?