Browncafe Steward
Very true, but the more you file grievances over and over on the same exact thing, the more the union and UPS start to look at them as more of a nuisance than anything else. Also, it comes down to just being a man about things (or woman) and being able to tell the difference between a supervisor doing it for his own personal benefit, or just being a good supervisor. At my full time job, my boss will jump in when needed and take command of a jacked up situation, and once it is settled down, he will step back and let his employees work. It's called good leadership.
I am far from defending management, but it just seems that when they put there best foot forward for their employees, they get bit in the butt. When they do nothing, they get bit in the butt.
I am pro union. Family has been union for 2 generations. Father and both grandfathers. But what is the ultimate cost?
Filing a grievance multiple times, having a supervisor who cares about his people re-assigned to a different shift, ending up getting a supervisor who doesn't CARE about his employees...and the employees end up pissed off and screwed over in either situation...
What is the ultimate point of having supervisors then if they cannot lead their people?
Here we are encouraged to file from the Union, they do not want the sups wprking just as bad as we dont! It takes longer for them to get resolved but eventually they do!
This is why I hate the union; so many worthless walks of life that think it is cool to file grievances. Everytime your wife or children go to the doctors and you don't pay a cent think about your stupid five minute grievance. UPS is one of the few companies left that give part time employees (remember you jokers are only guaranteed 17.5 hours a week) full coverage for you and your family for nothing.... Get out your crooked calculators and see what your coverage would cost if you had to pay for it.
The more greivances you file the more added costs you create for the company. You package drivers wonder why routes get cut. You P/T hub and center guys wonder why your time gets cut. It's because yum yums just like you are creating added cost for the company....
Mommy never told you that she loved you did she, its probably because she didnt!
Vote them out DS, vote them out!Sometimes you get labelled a troublemaker if all you do is come in early to catch supervisors working.I've seen people fired for stupid things just because they spoke up too often.They usually get thier jobs back but at what expense?The teamsters up here are next to useless