Tattling on other Union Members

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Just massagin your nutz
That is a good lookin piece of meat

El Correcto

god is dead
Wow, thx. I'm not. Just asking intelligent members on here a question. Guess you aren't one of them.
You answered your own question. Union members don’t snitch on others(there is exceptions but they are extreme examples.)
If you have a problem with another union member you take it to your steward, but your steward will probably chuckle at you caring about production and teach you a valuable lesson about working at UPS.


Inordinately Right
All documentation I've seen states you are not to "tattle" on other union members. What do you do if your Union "co-worker" is a slacker. His excuse is that he is tired. I can understand that to a point, but does that give him the right to make everyone else take on his work every day because he is too tired to do his job?? He does do some of the job, but goes to the bathroom alot and is always on his phone, so not paying attention to what's going on, us other's have to pick up the slack. It's a part-time job, he doesn't have a second job, very young and still lives at home with his parents.

Curious what you guys have to say about a situation like that. I can't mind my own business about it cuz it is affecting all of us right now cuz we are very short staffed.
Be nice, he'll probably be your boss soon.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
All documentation I've seen states you are not to "tattle" on other union members. What do you do if your Union "co-worker" is a slacker. His excuse is that he is tired. I can understand that to a point, but does that give him the right to make everyone else take on his work every day because he is too tired to do his job?? He does do some of the job, but goes to the bathroom alot and is always on his phone, so not paying attention to what's going on, us other's have to pick up the slack. It's a part-time job, he doesn't have a second job, very young and still lives at home with his parents.

Curious what you guys have to say about a situation like that. I can't mind my own business about it cuz it is affecting all of us right now cuz we are very short staffed.
Yo Donna Brasco,

Keep yur eyes on yur own plate! Nobody likes a rat. Capish?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
All documentation I've seen states you are not to "tattle" on other union members. What do you do if your Union "co-worker" is a slacker. His excuse is that he is tired. I can understand that to a point, but does that give him the right to make everyone else take on his work every day because he is too tired to do his job?? He does do some of the job, but goes to the bathroom alot and is always on his phone, so not paying attention to what's going on, us other's have to pick up the slack. It's a part-time job, he doesn't have a second job, very young and still lives at home with his parents.

Curious what you guys have to say about a situation like that. I can't mind my own business about it cuz it is affecting all of us right now cuz we are very short staffed.


Well-Known Member
All documentation I've seen states you are not to "tattle" on other union members. What do you do if your Union "co-worker" is a slacker. His excuse is that he is tired. I can understand that to a point, but does that give him the right to make everyone else take on his work every day because he is too tired to do his job?? He does do some of the job, but goes to the bathroom alot and is always on his phone, so not paying attention to what's going on, us other's have to pick up the slack. It's a part-time job, he doesn't have a second job, very young and still lives at home with his parents.

Curious what you guys have to say about a situation like that. I can't mind my own business about it cuz it is affecting all of us right now cuz we are very short staffed.

Well you would become "Tired" as well after having to do all that extra work right? Just do what you can. Fair days pay for a fair days work.
All documentation I've seen states you are not to "tattle" on other union members. What do you do if your Union "co-worker" is a slacker. His excuse is that he is tired. I can understand that to a point, but does that give him the right to make everyone else take on his work every day because he is too tired to do his job?? He does do some of the job, but goes to the bathroom alot and is always on his phone, so not paying attention to what's going on, us other's have to pick up the slack. It's a part-time job, he doesn't have a second job, very young and still lives at home with his parents.

Curious what you guys have to say about a situation like that. I can't mind my own business about it cuz it is affecting all of us right now cuz we are very short staffed.
Aight. I'm gonna be serious here.

Are you an hourly or not? No one likes lazy people, but which union member is this hurting? You? Maybe. If your forcing yourself to work at an unsafe pace to do his job as well as your own.

If he :censored2:s up the entire facility, whose problem is this? I'll give you a hint. Not yours. Management knows who their bad eggs are. They have all the numbers. If they are putting someone who can't do the job in a position that's vital to the facility you work at, when the belts grind to a halt, or packages stop getting loaded into the trucks, you want to know whose fault that is? Management.

Wanna know a real neat trick?

If the facility grinds to a halt enough times, Management figures out what's going on pretty damn quick and stops doing that thing.

If you think you can help your coworker while being safe, and feel inclined, do so. Kindness and solidarity is what the union is made of.

If you don't like him becuase he's being a prick, then don't. If I were your coworker, I'd nod my head and understand.

Let his packages fly past, and when the boss needs someone to clean up the mess at the end of the day... Well, remember, your paid by the hour, and they aren't. Work safe, work honest, and earn an honest wage for an honest days work.

However... If you tattletell... Well, as your coworker, I'd call you a scab, or maybe something a little worse.

See, if I can't count on you to have my back for the small things, why should I count on you to have my back for the large things?

Ignore your coworker, it's not your job. Your job is your job. If you decide to tattle, leave the union and go into management. It'd suit you better.

Just remember, management doesn't like scabs either. No one likes a backstabber, no matter how minor the incident.