wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
You just backed yourself into a corner... You make this easy SON!! If hall was responsible back in 1997 .... He must be responsible for all the concessions that 95% of my local are complaining about now! Fact or fiction son?
Are you slow? The only concession that I am seeing is from your hometown's educational system.
To some, that may not be such a bad thing, as there are a lot of pensions that are not funded enough to guarantee the benefits when an employee retires. I would rather have a larger pension than have a raise that I may gross a grand a year for ten more years, based on a .50 raise. I'm not saying that I am endorsing TDU, if Hoff/Hall proposed this I wouldn't complain either. I just want to keep what we have.
My pension is 106% funded. Why would I want that. Western conference of teamsters is 90% funded.


Got the T-Shirt
The math does not support your position.

Sure it does.

A .65 cent raise verses.... a split .40 and .40 cent raise.

You lose .25 cents an hour for 6 months.

At the end of the year.... you have .65 cents as opposed to .80 cents.

Every subsequent year, you either have .65 cents or .80 cents.

Short term or long term. You make more in the end, with the split raise.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Sure it does.

A .65 cent raise verses.... a split .40 and .40 cent raise.

You lose .25 cents an hour for 6 months.

At the end of the year.... you have .65 cents as opposed to .80 cents.

Every subsequent year, you either have .65 cents or .80 cents.

Short term or long term. You make more in the end, with the split raise.

I am fine with split raises.

It does sacrifice a little in the short term for long term gains.

I'll take that anytime.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.


Well-Known Member
So did I.

Were there leans times ? Yep.

But, "I kept my nose to the grindstone" (as so many of us did)

And made the most of it.

With the turn-over rate @ 85%, I question the desire and work ethic.

That (observation).... is not lost on others.

Wow, the arrogance of you Old Guardistas. Maybe the turnover rate is so high because the pay sucks for the amount of physical labor put in. Maybe they could make same money working in air conditioned Walmart. Maybe they feel unrepresented by an Old Guard "leadership" that ignores them, keeps them in the dark or looks down on them.