Teamsters election may hold cards for upcoming UPS contract talks

Study what happened in “97”..Carey and his negotiating committees did not allow the membership to vote on UPS’s ( Last and Final Contract Offer).

They got the strike vote prior with close to the same percentages as the 2018 contract. There was some belly aching by the members who wanted to vote on the original in order to avoid a nation wide strike...I believe that this was only the second work stoppage at UPS in it’s long history, the other one was back in the mid seventies.

Carey’s decision is a clear indication that he knew that the membership would pass UPS’s original offer...It was based really on their attempt to take over all our pensions, including the Western. The creation of the new 22.3 inside positions was to provide much needed funding for the troubled teamsters controlled pension plans.

As far as members crossing the picket line even if they were hostile or disagreeing with the strike...It never happened. What the company was thinking I have no clue, the Union negotiators back then were two steps ahead of the Company’s in every decision. I guess they were disparate because of the mounting liabilities related to the Central Trust primarily.

That is why it is so important to have leadership that will make the tough decisions that will affect the rank and file’s future, guarantee that if UPS did get control of every members pension the West coast pension benefits would be similar to the IBT/UPS and the UPS Pension Plan for part timers.

The Union has well documented history of past practices by the Company to support that claim.

Carey did have charisma that Hoffa never had, he was a loose cannon and the company knew it, he really tried to reach out to his membership. Every week we got a news letter with information about the deadline and what was being negotiated. I don’t know the whole history on why he was ousted but a lot of it was due to his decision to call a strike, which even Hoffa supported.

There will “NEVER” be another strike at UPS again...that 3 week one in “97” almost drove the economy into the ground...another one in today’s market will crush it, the feds will have a vested interest and the shareholders will storm the bastilles looking for some heads to chop off.
You forgot about the one day strike when they upped the weight limit to 150


Well-Known Member
The thing that concerns me is that OZ really won't be able to deliver on their promises. UPS Teamsters see his list of demands and drool, but it's impossible to get all of them, and I'm not really sure he'll get UPS to concede any of them.

He can't just wish 22.4s away. No idea how he's going to make UPS start PTers at $20/hr AND get catch-up raises for existing PTers. I like his ideas on PVDs and subcontracting, but he's selling these ideas as forgone accomplishments, like he's going to do all of this whether UPS likes it or not, and it just doesn't work that way.
Strike for the 22.4s pt at 20 an hour, it seems that most hubs are already hiring pt at 20 an hour. Pvds wont go anywhere.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I started at scale when I started driving but I didn't think it was fair to be paid the same as someone who had been there for most of their life. Now I'm not saying that someone should be making an unlivable wage (like they start 22.4's at now - which is lower than the PT starting wage in some hubs), but years should count for something...they do for part time.

I also understand that it would be impossible to come up with something that worked for everyone so I think it's best we get paid the same rather than some being screwed over...if that was the other alternative. Yes, I know that it's an unpopular opinion. Most disagree with me.
Years do count for something. Pension credits, 8 hour seniority, vacation seniority, route bidding.


Well-Known Member
I disagree with the idea that a new driver has to make a lot more than a new Insider. 22.4 would still have more hours, ft seniority, ft pension etc.

22.4s would still be topping out around $36 after 4 years. That part timers wage would still be hovering around $20. So everyone would still know that the part timer was beneath them.

I just don't like the idea that we are complaining about the $20.50 starting wage because some part-timers got a MRA. If the wage is too low then it's too low. But it's not too low because of a long overdue pt wage increase.


Well-Known Member
I was able to meet Karla a few times this week. Really like her. Wish we had her here.
You mean the Karla that took all her lesbian friends on a all union member paid trip under the guise of union activities?

Or do you mean the Karla that put her wife on the union payroll.


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