Teamsters endorse Joe Biden??


Phoenix Feeder
What is today’s temperature in Phoenix again? Maybe you should get in the shade with statements like that...

112 degrees forecasted now...
It's 73 degrees where I am. You should top up on used barrels and scrap wood as you'll be out in the cold in November.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Please take remedial High School Civics, Political Theory, and History before posting again.

Please stop the revisionist history. Please don't be a commie. Please don't destroy what's left of our country. Now, given what AOC and any Democrat says in plain sight without ANY restraint, show me where I am wrong. Btw, why are you a Commie? The Communist were/are responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths(mostly of their own people). You dispute that? I can't help you. And you support communism. You have to. You are advocating for the very same. So commie, why? And if don't realize it, who needs to study up? We settled this in WW2. We'll settle it again......


Inordinately Right
Please take remedial High School Civics, Political Theory, and History before posting again.
Says the guy who wants his vice president to be a 30 year old socialist who up until a year ago didn't know what a garbage disposal was.....

....seriously the new Democrat party is just a front group for radical Marxists. The sad part is they're open about it and the Democrat sheep still are clueless.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
It's 73 degrees where I am. You should top up on used barrels and scrap wood as you'll be out in the cold in November.
Good suggestion I’m right on it.. One big bonfire ... Keg Party and Roast Pig... celebrating Trump’s Landslide Victory...Thanks for the reminder...


Well-Known Member
Joe Biden at least has the grace to kill his wife and make it look like an accident. Joe Biden doesn't do divorce.

Trailer monkey

Well-Known Member
Ok. Let's assume all you say is true(whatever that means exactly). Do you really think Biden doesn't have dementia? And if he does, you think he's competent to run this nation? And Harris.....? And when you look at exactly what the COMMUNIST/SOCIALIST/LIBERAL/RACIST DEMOCRATS STAND FOR(IN PLAIN SIGHT)....clearly anti-American, you support it?

It's hard to believe that ANY AMERICAN could support the very policies and totalitarian/communist mass murderers that we spent so much life and treasure to save the world from. If you think supporting communism(that's what socialism is/will be) will save America, the notion is idiotic.

McCarthy was exactly correct-there was/is communist everywhere among us....especially in plain sight. Democrat party is full of them right down to 104 Feeder. And yeah, America must have a referendum on this divide. Peaceful or otherwise.
LOL!!! Trump prints and hands out $6 trillion and it's Kamala that's the dangerous communist!. I see now why Bernie couldn't get any traction, we already have a socialist president


Well-Known Member
No matter who is elected?
Gotta disagree.

Democrats literally believe money isn't real. I'm not kidding, it's called Modern Monetary Theory and it has become very popular among the socialists that now control the Democrat party.

They will appoint people to the federal reserve that believe that nonsense and destroy our country.

If you're really concerned about this the political choice is clear.

George bush increase the debt a higher % than Obama. Trump increase in debt is at a far faster pace than Obama. Neither side is fiscally responsible. So medical care for all or similar programs has cost less than for profit health insurance in every country it’s been implemented, we have a significantly worse life expectancy than any developed country with medical for all or similar programs, and worse care/time spent with patients, and RD is generally around 80% tax funded but Big Pharma takes all the profit and often charges multiple x more for drugs in America than any other country on earth. So why are you so against medical care for all? Keep in mind the majority of what I said is a verifiable face-not opinion.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Says the guy who wants his vice president to be a 30 year old socialist who up until a year ago didn't know what a garbage disposal was.....

....seriously the new Democrat party is just a front group for radical Marxists. The sad part is they're open about it and the Democrat sheep still are clueless.

When you call a Democrat a Communist...they say you need to go back and study history or political theory or some such. It's established fact of what transpired during all of communist revolutions. Hundreds of MILLIONS DEAD. And yet, they just shrug. So odd. The very types who look upon the killing fields and shrug...."fertilizer".


Well-Known Member
You mean Joe's first wife? Tell me more about him killing her? First time I heard that...
His current wife is a surrogate doppelganger. He accidentally murdered her in 93'. He used his Iraq contacts to get the same outfit that supplied Saddam with his doubles.


Well-Known Member
When you call a Democrat a Communist...they say you need to go back and study history or political theory or some such. It's established fact of what transpired during all of communist revolutions. Hundreds of MILLIONS DEAD. And yet, they just shrug. So odd. The very types who look upon the killing fields and shrug...."fertilizer".
All those Communist European countries are chomping at the bit to swoop in on the chaos.


Well-Known Member
Voting for Trump. Not even close. I cannot vote for Anarchy, watching the cities burn, looting, is Heartbreaking. Folks worked their whole Life to watch it burn. BLM? They have Insurance they say. Biden has supported the Riots, til now. Only because it is now hurting them in the polls. I love my Guns,finding a Dem that does is tuff. Find a Moderate Democrat I can vote For....please....


Well-Known Member
Voting for Trump. Not even close. I cannot vote for Anarchy, watching the cities burn, looting, is Heartbreaking. Folks worked their whole Life to watch it burn. BLM? They have Insurance they say. Biden has supported the Riots, til now. Only because it is now hurting them in the polls. I love my Guns,finding a Dem that does is tuff. Find a Moderate Democrat I can vote For....please....

Kamala Harris was a hardcore prosecutor who throw the book at countless people, Biden supported peace protest-peaceful protest are the basis of democracy. The moderate would consider keeping the police system the same in the nation that has 25% of the world prisoners despite having 4% of the world population extreme.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Voting for Trump. Not even close. I cannot vote for Anarchy, watching the cities burn, looting, is Heartbreaking. Folks worked their whole Life to watch it burn. BLM? They have Insurance they say. Biden has supported the Riots, til now. Only because it is now hurting them in the polls. I love my Guns,finding a Dem that does is tuff. Find a Moderate Democrat I can vote For....please....
Rioting in the streets, pandemic, 180,000 dead Americans, 20 million people out of work, our Allies laughing at us, Republicans wanting to eliminate Unions along with our health care and Pensions and good wages to create more Amazon type jobs. This is life under trump and you want 4 more years of misery?


Well-Known Member
Rioting in the streets, pandemic, 180,000 dead Americans, 20 million people out of work, our Allies laughing at us, Republicans wanting to eliminate Unions along with our health care and Pensions and good wages to create more Amazon type jobs. This is life under trump and you want 4 more years of misery?
Democrats have no interest in Unions anymore. Our own Union turned its back on the largest membership, the people that keep the Teamsters doors open, and you think Trump is the enemy?