Teamsters endorse Joe Biden??


Phoenix Feeder
Trump lost the economy debate when he under-reacted to the pandemic (with more than enough warning) and we've suffered twice as long as we should have. His utter failure at managing this crisis has led to fundamental changes in the economy such as 45% of retail businesses may never return. Keep harping on the stock market, something only 55% of Americans invest in and the people hurting the most aren't thinking about a portfolio they lost when Republicans last wrecked the economy in the Great Recession. Now we have 4 years of radiation mutated swamp monster Trump and unfortunately for him every election is a referendum on the incumbent.
Biden/Harris 2020
Harris/ AOC 2024
Harris/AOC 2028



Inordinately Right
Please post that stupid gif more troll.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Trump lost the economy debate when he under-reacted to the pandemic (with more than enough warning) and we've suffered twice as long as we should have. His utter failure at managing this crisis has led to fundamental changes in the economy such as 45% of retail businesses may never return. Keep harping on the stock market, something only 55% of Americans invest in and the people hurting the most aren't thinking about a portfolio they lost when Republicans last wrecked the economy in the Great Recession. Now we have 4 years of radiation mutated swamp monster Trump and unfortunately for him every election is a referendum on the incumbent.
Biden/Harris 2020
Harris/ AOC 2024
Harris/AOC 2028

Ok. Let's assume all you say is true(whatever that means exactly). Do you really think Biden doesn't have dementia? And if he does, you think he's competent to run this nation? And Harris.....? And when you look at exactly what the COMMUNIST/SOCIALIST/LIBERAL/RACIST DEMOCRATS STAND FOR(IN PLAIN SIGHT)....clearly anti-American, you support it?

It's hard to believe that ANY AMERICAN could support the very policies and totalitarian/communist mass murderers that we spent so much life and treasure to save the world from. If you think supporting communism(that's what socialism is/will be) will save America, the notion is idiotic.

McCarthy was exactly correct-there was/is communist everywhere among us....especially in plain sight. Democrat party is full of them right down to 104 Feeder. And yeah, America must have a referendum on this divide. Peaceful or otherwise.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Over the past 12 years the US has had an increasing but manageable Debt/GDP ratio. It is now exploding and will be at a level with Greece (187%) in four years, no matter who is elected. We're screwed
We've been hearing that too since the 80's.


Staff member
Ok. Let's assume all you say is true(whatever that means exactly). Do you really think Biden doesn't have dementia? And if he does, you think he's competent to run this nation? And Harris.....? And when you look at exactly what the COMMUNIST/SOCIALIST/LIBERAL/RACIST DEMOCRATS STAND FOR(IN PLAIN SIGHT)....clearly anti-American, you support it?

It's hard to believe that ANY AMERICAN could support the very policies and totalitarian/communist mass murderers that we spent so much life and treasure to save the world from. If you think supporting communism(that's what socialism is/will be) will save America, the notion is idiotic.

McCarthy was exactly correct-there was/is communist everywhere among us....especially in plain sight. Democrat party is full of them right down to 104 Feeder. And yeah, America must have a referendum on this divide. Peaceful or otherwise.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Trump lost the economy debate when he under-reacted to the pandemic (with more than enough warning) and we've suffered twice as long as we should have. His utter failure at managing this crisis has led to fundamental changes in the economy such as 45% of retail businesses may never return. Keep harping on the stock market, something only 55% of Americans invest in and the people hurting the most aren't thinking about a portfolio they lost when Republicans last wrecked the economy in the Great Recession. Now we have 4 years of radiation mutated swamp monster Trump and unfortunately for him every election is a referendum on the incumbent.
Biden/Harris 2020
Harris/ AOC 2024
Harris/AOC 2028

What is today’s temperature in Phoenix again? Maybe you should get in the shade with statements like that...

112 degrees forecasted now...

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
We've been hearing that too since the 80's.

Ok. We've been hearing about the apocalypse forever. Look at what a little benign hoax can do to the economy. It won't take much. You are a fool if you don't think things could get much, much worse-socially, economically. This country goes commie....make the Great Depression laughable. Say goodbye to 30 million of your closest friends. Don't think so? Read a little history.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
What is today’s temperature in Phoenix again? Maybe you should get in the shade with statements like that...

112 degrees forecasted now...
Dry heat, so man up.

Anyway, the Green Raw Deal won't cure any warming or cooling.


Phoenix Feeder
Ok. Let's assume all you say is true(whatever that means exactly). Do you really think Biden doesn't have dementia? And if he does, you think he's competent to run this nation? And Harris.....? And when you look at exactly what the COMMUNIST/SOCIALIST/LIBERAL/RACIST DEMOCRATS STAND FOR(IN PLAIN SIGHT)....clearly anti-American, you support it?

It's hard to believe that ANY AMERICAN could support the very policies and totalitarian/communist mass murderers that we spent so much life and treasure to save the world from. If you think supporting communism(that's what socialism is/will be) will save America, the notion is idiotic.

McCarthy was exactly correct-there was/is communist everywhere among us....especially in plain sight. Democrat party is full of them right down to 104 Feeder. And yeah, America must have a referendum on this divide. Peaceful or otherwise.

Please take remedial High School Civics, Political Theory, and History before posting again.